Activity: Hosting a visitor/event › Hosting a seminar/workshop
Assc. Prof. Stefanos Xenarios has organized in cooperation with the International Water Association (IWA), 2 Sessions on urban water management along the GSPP Conference held on 10-12 October 2019. Eleven IWA experts have participated in the conference by offering a wide angle on the urban water issues currently faced. Also, he organized the 1st GSPP Water Forum on 12 October with focus on urban water management. The Forum included a Session on the Challenges to be met on urban water management in 21st century while a Roundtable Discussion was also organized on identifying similarities and differences of urban management in different Europe and Asia. In the Discussion, 6 experts of IWA participated, along with representatives from World Bank, Committee of Water Resources and the Committee On Construction, Housing And Utilities Services as well as from Nazarbayev University. The Discussion was moderated by Assc. Prof, Vasilieios Inglezakis from the School of Engineering of NU. In the same event, Assc. Prof. Stefanos Xenarios has given an interview on Kazakh TV about the Aral Sea Basin as a Foundation of Sustainable Development in Central Asia