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In-depth epidemiology and modeling of the 10-year trends of cardiovascular diseases and their complications in Kazakhstan using aggregated big data from the Unified National Electronic Healthcare System
Gaipov, A., Salustri, A., Sarria-Santamera, A., Akbilgic, O., Abbay, A. & Zhakhina, G.
1/1/23 → 12/31/25
Project: FDCRGP
Infectious triggers of chronic autoimmunity in spondyloarthropathy (CITAS)
Kunz Halder, J., Kushugulova, A., Ainabekova, B., Adilbayeva, A., Zhubanchaliyev, A., Sharip, A., Nurgaziyeva, A., Meiramova, A., Isilbayeva, A., Beeton, C., Forslund, S. & Poddighe, D.
1/1/21 → 12/31/25
Project: CRP