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Navigating the Early Years: A Qualitative Study on Job Satisfaction of Novice Science and Mathematics Teachers in Kazakhstan
Sharimova, A., Durrani, N. & Wilson, E.
2/4/25 → 12/31/27
Project: FDCRGP
Transformation of higher education in Kazakhstan: reflections on the 30 years of post-independence reforms
Jonbekova, D., Sparks, J., Sagintayeva, A., Kerimkulova, S., Ruby, A. & Hartley, M.
1/1/25 → 12/31/27
Project: FDCRGP
Advancing the Conceptualization and Measurement of Emotional Well-being through Psychological Network Analysis
Torrano, D. & Tursumbayeva, X.
1/1/24 → 12/31/25
Project: International
Analyzing the rationale, implementation, and impact of the publication requirement policy for obtaining a doctorate degree in Kazakhstan
Shamatov, D., Laljebaev, M., Moldashev, K. & Kuzhabekova, A.
1/1/24 → 12/31/26
Project: CRP
Nurturing Young Minds: Exploring the Contribution of Positive Early Childhood Experiences to the Health and Well-being of Young Children in Kazakhstan
Torrano, D., Ibrayeva, L., Sergazina, M., Burambayeva, A. & Kulsary, A.
1/1/23 → 12/31/25
Project: Other
LDK: Leadership Development in Kazakhstani Business and Educational Settings: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Leadership Interventions
Konings, J., Pathki, C., Makoelle, T., Karabassova, L., Mahmood, M., Lewis, J., Subramanian, V. & Reinhard, D.
1/1/23 → 12/31/25
Project: CRP
A Transformative Approach to CLIL pedagogy in Kazakhstan: Investigating SFL theory and STEM teachers' metalinguistic knowledge
Bedeker, M.
1/1/21 → 8/9/25
Project: FDCRGP
Teacher Perceptions of Authentic STEM Practices in the Context of Kazakhstani Trilingual Policy
Malone, K., Namyssova, G., Assanbayev, A., Dukenova, A., Myrzakulova, G. & Helmer, J.
9/1/18 → …
Project: Social Policy
Not started
Social Robots' Impact on Well-being of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Sandygulova, A., Torrano, D., Shakenov, M. & Lee, J.
1/1/26 → 12/31/28
Project: CRP
Exploring the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) university graduates’ early career experiences and transition to employment
Durrani, N., Kuzhabekova, A. & Almukhambetova, A.
7/1/22 → 12/31/24
Project: Government
Value creation within Kazakhstan's Entrepreneurial Ecosystem: Towards an Understanding of Informal and Formal Entrepreneurs
Yousafzai, S., Akemu, A., Rakshit, A., Durrani, N., Bissenova, A., Nurbayeva, A., Lipovka, A., Henry, C., Bhartiya, T., Saeed, S., Fayolle, A., Cornelissen, J. & Meyrbayev, B.
1/1/22 → 12/10/24
Project: CRP
AP14869690: Exploring the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) university graduates’ early career experiences and transition to employment
Almukhambetova, A.
1/1/22 → 12/31/24
Project: Government
Policy enactment of mainstreaming gender equality in higher education and civil service in Kazakhstan
Kataeva, Z., Durrani, N., Shakirova, S., Shedenova, N., Apergenova, R. & Sharipova, D.
1/1/21 → 12/31/24
Project: CRP
CARE: Creating culturally relevant Social Science research ethics in Central Asia: Mediating local and global influences
Sharplin, E., Collins, N., Zhakupova, A., Parmenter, L., Burkhanov, A., Ismagulova, A., Rakisheva, G., Karimov, M., Juraev, A., Mirkasimov, B., Jumakulov, Z., Ashirbekov, A., Gafu, G., Sagitova, R., Ramazanova, M., Tabaeva, A., Bekova, M., Sadykova, A. & Muhamejanova, L.
1/1/21 → 12/31/24
Project: CRP
АР09261436: Per-capita funding model in Kazakhstani public and private schools and issues of adequacy, equity and accountability
Ait Si Mhamed, A., Kasa, R., Zhontayeva, Z., Aringazina, L. & Mambetalina, D.
1/1/21 → 12/31/23
Project: Government
Women university graduates’ in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) transition from university to first jobs in Kazakhstan
Kuzhabekova, A.
1/1/21 → 12/31/23
Project: FDCRGP
Exploring school-based education stakeholders’ perspectives on quality of education in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan in the context of School 2030 initiative
Shamatov, D., Tajik, M., Niyozov, S., Karakus, M. & Bahry, S.
1/1/21 → 12/31/22
Project: International
Graduate students' challenges with academic reading and writing in English medium universities in Kazakhstan
Tajik, M., Manan, S., Shegebayev, M., Zhassipbek, T., Schamiloglu, U. & Shamatov, D.
1/1/21 → 12/31/24
Project: CRP
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The nature, purposes and functions of educational research: a study of policy makers, educators and researchers` conceptualization in Kazakhstan
Sharplin, E. & Bekova, M.
1/1/21 → 12/31/23
Project: FDCRGP
Development of a Kazakhstani Teaching Observation Protocol for reformed teaching practices (KTOP)
Helmer, J., Malone, K., Goodman, B., Polat, F., Beysembaeva, K., Courtney, M. & Boone, W.
1/1/21 → 12/31/24
Project: FDCRGP
Investigating the Gender Gap in Science, Engineering and Technology in Kazakhstan: Causes and Interventions
Tsakalerou, M., Kataeva, Z. & Perveen, A.
1/1/21 → 12/31/23
Project: FDCRGP
Building Capacity for Teaching and Research in STEM Teacher Education in Kazakhstan: A Research-Practice Partnership
Goodman, B., Malone, K., Nuta, O. & Makhmetov, A.
1/1/21 → 12/31/24
Project: CRP
Equitable access to education in the time of COVID 19 in Kazakhstan: experiences, outcomes, challenges and possibilities
Durrani, N., Helmer, J., Polat, F., Qanay, G., Shakirova, S. & Bizhigitova, E.
1/1/21 → 12/31/24
Project: CRP
MultiCorSKL: Multimedia Corpus of Modern Spoken Kazakh Language
Filchenko, A., Goodman, B., Sarseke, G. & Assylbekov, Z.
1/1/21 → 12/31/24
Project: CRP
Education, gender and family relationships in the time of COVID-19: teachers’ and parents’ perspectives in Kazakhstan
Durrani, N., Helmer, J., Polat, F. & Qanay, G.
10/1/20 → 3/31/21
Project: International
The Political Economy of Education Research (PEER) Network
Shanks, K., Novelli, M., Durrani, N., Badroodien, A. & Thibault, H.
4/1/20 → 9/30/24
Project: International
University-Industry Partnerships for Innovating and Improving Quality of Higher Education in Kazakhstan
Jonbekova, D., Abdildin, Y., Sparks, J., Bilyalov, D., Gimranova, D. & Hartley, M.
1/1/20 → 12/31/24
Project: CRP
Ideal Multilingual Self, Language Learning Motivation and Strategy Uses of students in Kazakhstan
1/1/20 → 12/31/22
Project: FDCRGP
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Universities and social responsibility
Parmenter, L., Sparks, J. & Sagintayeva, A.
1/1/20 → 12/31/24
Project: FDCRGP
CoWriting Kazakh: Learning New Script with a Robot
Sandygulova, A., CohenMiller, A., Summers, D., Alizadeh, T., Yessenbayev, Z., Johal, W. & Dillenbourg, P.
1/1/20 → 12/31/22
Project: CRP
Training and building the capacity of teachers to support the learning of children with special needs and disabilities in mainstream schools of Kazakhstan
Pather, S.
1/1/20 → 12/31/23
Project: Industry
Inclusive Early Childhood Education and Care (IECE) in Kazakhstan: An Explanatory Mixed-Method Approach
Polat, F., Helmer, J., Malone, K., Zhontayeva, Z. & Gallagher, P.
1/1/20 → 8/20/24
Project: FDCRGP
A comparative study of the transition of returning scholars to domestic research environments in Kazakhstan, Malaysia and Cambodia.
Kuzhabekova, A., Wan, C. D., Moldashev, K. & Almukhambetova, A.
1/1/20 → 12/31/22
Project: FDCRGP
Mental health and help-seeking behaviors of university students in Kazakhstan
Torrano, D., Clementi, A., Almukhambetova, A., Sparks, J., Lim, N. & Nurtayev, Y. R.
1/1/20 → 6/30/23
Project: FDCRGP
The Political Economy of Education Research (PEER) Network (Implementation Award)
Shanks, K., Novelli, M., Durrani, N., Badroodien, A. & Thibault, H.
7/1/19 → 6/30/21
Project: International
Determining the state of STEM/STEAM education at the primary school level in Kazakhstan
Malone, K., Helmer, J., Dukenova, A. & Assanbayev, A.
5/1/19 → 5/31/21
Project: Other
Dramatic Inquiry, Engineering Design, Primary Students’ and STEM vs STEAM
Malone, K., Helmer, J., Shafiei, A., Zhontayeva, Z. & Edmiston, B.
1/31/19 → 6/30/22
Project: FDCRGP
Why the pipeline leaks? Understanding female higher education students' experiences in STEM education in Kazakhstan
Almukhambetova, A., Torrano, D. & Kuzhabekova, A.
1/31/19 → 12/31/21
Project: FDCRGP
DSEN: Diagnosing Children with Special Educational Needs in Kazakhstan
Pather, S., Somerton, M. I., Stolyarova, V. & Jaxybayeva, A.
1/31/19 → 12/31/20
Project: FDCRGP
Gender and schooling in Kazakhstan: A mixed methods study
Durrani, N., Kataeva, Z., CohenMiller, A. & Karakus, M.
1/31/19 → 12/31/22
Project: FDCRGP
Creating conditions for inclusive education in Kazakhstan: A case study of a resource center in Astana
Kasa, R., Helmer, J., Somerton, M. I., Makoelle, T., Torrano, D. & Tazhiyeva, A.
10/1/18 → 4/30/19
Project: Other
Early Career Teachers: How prepared are they for the job?
Helmer, J., Assanbayev, A., Malone, K., Tussupbekova, G., Dukenova, A. & Namyssova, G.
7/18/18 → 9/30/20
Project: Social Policy
Exploring Re-adjustment Experiences of Kazakhstani Returning Scholars
Kuzhabekova, A.
1/1/18 → 12/31/19
Project: FDCRGP
Development of Students’ Multilingual Competence in EMI Postgraduate Research Programs
Goodman, B., Sparks, J., Kerimkulova, S., Jonbekova, D. & Montgomery, P.
1/1/18 → 12/15/21
Project: FDCRGP