- 300 - 350 out of 663 results
Search results
Alibek Kossumov, MBS, PhD
- Laboratory of Drug Discovery and Development - Senior Researcher
Person: Staff
Konstantinos Kostas, PhD
- School of Engineering and Digital Sciences - Associate professor
Person: Staff
Madiyar Koyanbayev
- School of Mining and Geosciences
- School of Mining and Geosciences - Laboratory Assistant
Person: Master student, Staff
Ulan Kozhamkulov, MD, Candidate of Medical Sciences
- Laboratory of genomic and personalized medicine - Leading Reseacher
Person: Staff
Gultas Kurmanbay
- Department of Student Services - Head of the Center of National Culture
Person: Staff
Meiramgul Kussainova, Candidate of Science
- School of Sciences and Humanities - Associate professor
Person: Staff