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Open Pit Slope Hazard Assessment using Smart Sensing Technology
Capehart, E., Abbas Babikir, A. H. & Adoko, A. C.
1/1/22 → 11/11/22
Project: FDCRGP
AnthEnvKZ: Anthropogenic Environments in the Future Tense: Living and Narrating Change in Kazakhstan's Mining Towns
Dagyeli, J., Dubuisson, E., Bayramov, E., Kussainova, M., Shayakmetov, N. & Zhumashev, R.
1/1/21 → 10/5/21
Project: CRP
Some mathematical challenges in public-key cryptography
Sica, F. & Kadyrsizova, Z.
1/1/21 → 5/31/22
Project: FDCRGP
CRASY-learn: A cognitive, recurrent, area efficient stochastic yet energy efficient neural learning chip
Kizheppatt, V.
1/1/20 → 4/28/20
Project: FDCRGP
The Digitization of Economy and Precarious Employment: Examining the Relationship between Job Insecurity, Age, and Digital Technology Use in Kazakhstan
Miltsov, A.
1/1/20 → 8/4/20
Project: FDCRGP
Between Tsars and Soviets: Conflict and State-Building in Early Soviet Semirech'e
Chokobaeva, A.
1/1/20 → 8/18/21
Project: FDCRGP
Faculty Institutional Service and Outreach: A Comparative Study of Six Asian Universities
1/1/20 → 10/5/21
Project: FDCRGP
ADiBE-NUGSE: Attention to Diversity in Multilingual Education in Kazakhstan
San Isidro , F. X., Somerton, M. I., Karabassova, L., Makoelle, T. & Kerimkulova, S.
1/1/20 → 12/14/21
Project: FDCRGP
Role of Arginine Residues in Human Phosphoglycerate Kinase Catalytic Cycle
Serimbetov, Z.
1/31/19 → 8/17/21
Project: FDCRGP
FLOODLE—Simulation and Optimization of Snow Melt and Storm Water Sewage
Mach, T. & Kadyrsizova, Z.
1/9/18 → 3/6/18
Project: FDCRGP
Cozmo Robot for Computer Science Education
Rizvi, M., Tyler, B. & Lukac, M.
1/1/18 → 7/19/22
Project: FDCRGP
Asymptotic Efficiency in Panel Models with Survey Data:Application to the PSID Family Income
Rahmani, I.
1/1/18 → 8/18/21
Project: FDCRGP
On the Mechanisms of Idea Evaluation and Selection
Cui, Z., Dong, J., Borucki, C., Baraboshkin, V., Kozhabek, A. & Saginova, N.
1/1/18 → 3/12/19
Project: FDCRGP
The Impact of corruption tolerance on the perception of corruption
Pelizzo, R., Baris, O. & Janenova, S.
1/1/18 → 8/14/18
Project: FDCRGP
HT-KZ: HorizonT KZ Ultra-High energy cosmic rays shower detector construction at Nazarbayev Unviersity
Beznosko, D.
10/31/16 → 4/27/18
Project: Other
The making of a Russian Settler Colony: Semirechie between Empires, 1854 - 1929
Morrison, A.
7/1/15 → 7/31/17
Project: Other
HT: Discovery and study of new New Physics in multi-modal event type at Horizon-T detector system
Beznosko, D.
6/5/14 → 4/27/18
Project: Other