Projects per year
- 1 - 50 out of 191 results
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A Comparative, Interdisciplinary Ethnography on Entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan
5/1/23 → 4/30/24
Project: Social Policy
Probabilistic seismic hazard assessment (PSHA) with local site effects for existing and new structures in Kazakhstan
Moon, S., Silacheva, N., Lee, E., Zhang, D., Zhussupbekov, A., Hashash, Y. M. A., Kim, B., Ku, T., Kim, J., Satyanaga, A. & Kim, R.
1/1/22 → 12/10/24
Project: CRP
AP13067604: Investigation of pulsed-beam modification of titanium dioxide based coatings for photoelectrochemical water splitting
Atabaev, T., Kaikanov, M., Nauruzbayev, D., Khamkhash, L., Sarsenov, S., Amanzhanova, A., Rustembekkyzy, K., Serik, L., Tynyshtykbayev, K., Abdizhamil, A. & Bazenova, A.
1/1/22 → 12/31/24
Project: Government
AP13068282: Synchronization and anti-synchronization analysis of discrete-time neural networks with delays
Kashkynbayev, A., Ganesan, S., Issakhanov, A., Otkel, M. & Turganov, A.
1/1/22 → 12/31/24
Project: Government
Properties and applications of elastic scattering coefficients
Wahab, A.
1/1/22 → 12/31/24
Project: FDCRGP
Metamaterial-enhanced subwavelength imaging in turbid media using acoustic and electromagnetic waves
Orazbayev, B., Kappassov, Z., Beruete, M., Fleury, R., Nikolayev, D. & Pacheco-Peña, V.
1/1/22 → 12/31/24
Project: FDCRGP
Value creation within Kazakhstan's Entrepreneurial Ecosystem: Towards an Understanding of Informal and Formal Entrepreneurs
Yousafzai, S., Akemu, A., Rakshit, A., Durrani, N., Bissenova, A., Nurbayeva, A., Lipovka, A., Henry, C., Bhartiya, T., Saeed, S., Fayolle, A., Cornelissen, J. & Meyrbayev, B.
1/1/22 → 12/10/24
Project: CRP
Unveiling stellar physics, from birth to explosion, using AI
Abdikamalov, E., Alina, D. & Desyatnikov, A.
1/1/22 → 12/31/24
Project: FDCRGP
Multi scale powder mixed EDM induced Functional Surfaces on Biomedical alloys for enhanced mechanical, electrochemical corrosion, tribological and biological performances
Perveen, A., Talamona, D., Jahan, M. P., Nuta, O., Molardi, C. & Rahman, M.
1/1/22 → 12/31/24
Project: FDCRGP
Oscillatory Integrals and Partial Differential Equations
Castro Castilla, A. J., Assylbekov, Z., Staubach, W., Valido Flores, A. A., Mattsson, T., Zhapsarbayeva, L., Jabbarkhanov, K., Bazarkhanova, A., Tobakhanov, N., Kazbek, M., Myrzabayeva, G., Chun, S., Pak, A. & Begantsova, M.
1/1/22 → 12/31/24
Project: FDCRGP
The effect of tradition, culture and history on the economic outcomes in Central Asia and Russia
Bazarkulova, D., Sagyndykova, G., Lewis, J. & Aldashev, A.
1/1/22 → 12/31/24
Project: CRP
Stimulus-Triggered Nano-formulations for Targeting and Prevention of Persistent Bacterial Biofilms
Paunov, V. & Sukhorukov, G.
1/1/22 → 12/31/24
Project: FDCRGP
Ionizing radiation effect on structural, photoelectric and superconducting properties of next-generation optoelectronic devices
Abdikamalov, E., Smoot, G. F., Ng, A., Zholdybayev, T., Grossan, B., Shafiee, M., Tikhonov, A., Nurmukhanbetova, A., Kemelbay, A. & Kaikanov, M.
1/1/22 → 12/31/24
Project: CRP
Oral insulin DNA nanoparticles as immunomodulation therapeutic strategy for diabetes
1/1/22 → 12/31/24
Project: FDCRGP
AP14870723: Sustainable routes to amines and nitrogen-containing organic molecules using non-precious metal catalysts
1/1/22 → 12/31/24
Project: Government
Exposure To Cooking Ultrafine Particles and Neurodegenerative Diseases: Clinical Exposure Studies and Computer Modeling
Shah, D., Crape, B., Zhumambayeva, S., Balanay, M., Abibullaev, B., Umezawa, M., Hopke, P. K., Torkmahalleh, M., Akmurzina, F., Kaumbekova, S., Yermek, M., Madiyarova, T., Naseri, M., Akhmetzhanova, Z., Kabibulina, D., Arstangaliyev, R. & Zhubatkanov, B.
1/1/22 → 12/31/24
Project: CRP
Horizons, singularities and the limits of General Relativity
Malafarina, D., Good, M., Ahmedov, B. J., Bambi, C., Bonanno, A. M., Boshkayev, K., Dadhich, N., Giambò, R. & Luongo, O.
1/1/22 → 12/31/24
Project: FDCRGP
Synchronization analysis of shunting inhibitory cellular neural networks
1/1/22 → 12/31/24
Project: CRP
Advanced laser-based nano- and micro-scale thermal transport in nuclear ceramics irradiated by swift heavy ions
Utegulov, Z., Wang, Y. & Kozlovskiy, A. L.
1/1/22 → 12/10/24
Project: CRP
Unraveling Photoelectric Processes and Efficiency Limitations in Novel Semitransparent Organic Solar Cells
Tikhonov, A., Kaikanov, M., Jumabekov, A., Nguyen, T. Q. & Solovan, M.
1/1/22 → 12/31/24
Project: FDCRGP
Development of AI-integrated Randomly Hopped LFM Photonic RADAR for Mitigating Interferences and Attackers in Autonomous Vehicles
Molardi, C., Mustafa, M., Pavlenko, V. V., Nakarmi, B., Muthaiyah, S., Pan, S. & Wang, X.
1/1/22 → 12/31/24
Project: CRP
AP13068353: Development of novel drug delivery systems based on thiolated and PEGylated organosilica nanoparticles for cancer therapy
Mun, E., Umbayev, B., Nurpeissova, Z. & Zhaisanbayeva, B.
1/1/22 → 12/31/24
Project: Government
Metasurface-enabled Energy-Efficient and Secure Communication for Beyond 5G (B5G) Networks Aided by Robust Machine Learning Techniques
Nauryzbayev, G., Orazbayev, B., Boranbayev, S., Eltawil, A., Valagiannopoulos, K., Hashmi, M., Assylbekov, Z., Zollanvari, A., Celik, A., Arzykulov, S., Akmurzina, F., Abdugapbar, K., Abzaliyeva, A., Toregozhin, T., Zhumabek, D., Abdikarim, A., Kanyshuly, I., Sarsenbay, A. & Kassayev, A.
1/1/22 → 12/31/24
Project: CRP
Improving the efficacy of PARP inhibition with Sulfur-Carbon Nanodots through DNA damage response
Xie, Y. & Dukenbayev, K.
1/1/22 → 12/31/24
Project: FDCRGP
Monetary policies and the leverage cycle without a zero lower bound for interest rates
1/1/22 → 12/31/24
Project: FDCRGP
Theory of Computable Numberings and Reverse Mathematics
Mustafa, M., Bazhenov, N. & Tleuliyeva, Z.
1/1/21 → 12/31/23
Project: FDCRGP
AP09259016: Epidemiology and Forecasting of Infectious Diseases in Kazakhstan Using Big Healthcare Data, Mathematical Modeling and Machine Learning
Gaipov, A., Kashkynbayev, A., Zollanvari, A., Issanov, A., Kadyrzhanuly, K., Amanbek, Y., Ashimkhanova, A., Abbay, A., Syssoyev, D., Mussina, K., Yerdessov, S. & Alimbayev, A.
1/1/21 → 12/31/23
Project: Government
Characterization of the biophysical and biomechanical properties of normal and cancer neural stem cells
1/1/21 → 12/31/23
Project: FDCRGP
Printed Perovskite Solar Cells
Jumabekov, A., Ng, A., Balanay, M., Dzhumagulova, K., Ren, Z. & Umatova, Z.
1/1/21 → 12/31/24
Project: CRP
Targeting KRAS mutant colorectal cancer by inducing a cytotoxic oxidative stress
Sarbassov, D., Akilzhanova, A., Bersimbaev, R., Yermekbayeva, B., Utepbergenov, D., Makishev, A. & Kaidarova, D.
1/1/21 → 12/31/24
Project: CRP
TEECA-II: Trans-Eurasian Exchanges: Contemporary Dialogues and Archaeological Inquiry - II
Dupuy, P., Collins, N., Zhuniskhanov, A., Coil, R., Kiyasbek, G. K., Omarov, G. & Tashmanbetova, Z. K.
1/1/21 → 12/31/24
Project: FDCRGP
Analytical and numerical methods for solving catalytic reaction and transport problems for porous pellets and membrane reactors with controlled catalyst activity
Golman, B., Skrzypacz, P. S. & Andreev, V.
1/1/21 → 12/31/23
Project: FDCRGP
Modeling and finite element analysis of ceramic paste extrusion for 3D printing
Skrzypacz, P. S., Golman, B., Schieweck, F., Qamar, S. & Ahmed, N.
1/1/21 → 12/31/23
Project: FDCRGP
Optimal Design of Photonic and Quantum Metamaterials
Valagiannopoulos, K.
1/1/21 → 12/31/23
Project: FDCRGP
Interacting Particle Systems: Exact Formulas, Asymptotics, and Applications in Epidemics
1/1/21 → 12/31/23
Project: FDCRGP
АР09258745: Subelliptic functional inequalities
Suragan, D., Kassymov, A., Shilibekova, D., Kuangaliyeva, D., Kamet, M., Balgynbayeva, A., Yeshentay, Z. & Yugay, L.
1/1/21 → 12/31/23
Project: Government
АР09259703: Multi-layered inertial reactive armour
Zhang, D., Spitas, C., Wei, D., Amrin, A., Ajan, B. & Tariq, H. B.
1/1/21 → 12/31/23
Project: Government