Projects per year
Personal profile
Personal profile
Prof. Ali Mortazavi received his B.Eng. in mining engineering from the Amirkabir University of Technology, Iran in 1990, M.Sc. in Rock Mechanics from McGill University, Canada in 1994, and Ph.D. in Rock Blasting from Queen’s University, Canada in 2000. Prior to joining NU, Prof. Mortazavi worked at the Amirkabir University of Technology as a Professor and a research fellow with the Department of Mining & Materials Engineering, McGill University, Canada. He has supervised to completion of over 50 Master's and 10 Ph.D. students and has published over 100 papers and reports in prestigious international journals and conferences and authored/co-authored two books entitled Rock Dynamics (AUT Publishing) and Constitutive Modeling of Geomaterials: Advances and New Applications (Springer). He also shares a patent titled “Development, design, and construction of a true triaxial system for reservoir depletion simulation under real rock stress and fluid pressure fields”. Prof. Mortazavi has over 20 years of experience in teaching, research, and managing industry projects in mining, geotechnical, and petroleum engineering applications in Canada, Iran, and Kazakhstan. He is on the editorial board of Iran Journal of Mining Engineering and is a reviewer for many prestigious international journals.
Professional Information
- International Society of Explosive Engineers (ISEE);
- Canadian Institute of Mining & Metallurgy (CIM);
- Working Group on Mechanisms and Modelling in Rock Blasting, International Society of Rock Mechanics (ISRM) (1995-1998);
- Editorial Board of Iran Journal of Mining Engineering (2006-2017);
- Editorial Board of Iran Journal of Energetic Materials (2006-2017).
- Mortazavi A., Rock Dynamics, Amirkabir University of Technology Publishing, 2015.
- Molladavodi H., Mortazavi A., Constitutive Modeling of Geomaterials: Advances and New Applications, Springer Series in Geomechanics and Geoengineering, 2012 (Chapter publication).
Peer Reviewed ISI Journal Publications
- Mortazavi A., Development of an elasto-plastic joint constitutive model for simulation of discontinuous media under dynamic loading, under preparation for submission to International Journal of Plasticity, 2022.
- Kuzembayev N., Mortazavi A., Development of a Weighting Procedure for Geomechanical Risk Assessment, under preparation for submission to Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2022.
- Mortazavi A., Osserbay B., The Consolidated Mathews Stability Graph for Open Stope Design, Submitted to Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, Geotech Geol Eng,, Springer Ltd,
- Houshmand N., Mortazavi A., Hassani F.P., Modeling drill bit wear mechanisms during rock drilling, submitted to Arabian Journal of Geosciences, DOI: 1007/s12517-021-08333-3 , No.14, Springer Ltd, 2021.
- Mortazavi A., An investigation of the mechanisms involved in plate load testing in rock, Applied Sciences, Sci., 11, 2720,, 2021.
- Mortazavi A., Hosseiniyan J., Numerical analysis of pillar width selection in multiple oil storage caverns, Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 38, pp. 3025-3040, 2020.
- Atapour H., Mortazavi A., Performance evaluation of newly developed true triaxial stress loading and pore pressure applying system to simulate the reservoir depletion and injection, Geotechnical Testing Journal, ASTM International, No. 43, Accepted Online April
- Arab Khaburi M., Mortazavi A., Slope Stability Analysis of Sarcheshmeh Copper Mine West Wall Under Seismic Loads, Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, Vol. 37, Issue 4, 3141-3155,
- Mortazavi A., Atapour H., An experimental study of stress changes induced by reservoir depletion under true triaxial stress loading conditions, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Elsevier Ltd, 171, 1366-1377, December 2018.
- Atapour H., Mortazavi A., The Influence of mean grain size on uniaxial compressive strength of weakly consolidated reservoir sandstones, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Elsevier Ltd, Vol 171, 63-70, December 2018,.
- Atapour H., Mortazavi A., The effect of grain size and cement content on index properties of weakly solidified artificial sandstones, Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, IOP Science, February, 2018.
- Karimi M., Mortazavi A., Ahmadi M., An innovative work flow for automated history matching of giant oil reservoirs based on smart proxy model, Kuwait Journal of Science, 2018.
- Karimi M., Mortazavi A., Ahmadi M., Applying an Optimized Proxy-Based Workflow for Fast History matching, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Springer Ltd, 10:462, October, 2017.
- Moghadami M., Mortazavi A., Development of a risk-based methodology for rock slope analysis, International Journal of Civil Engineering, Springer Ltd, 16, Issue 10, 1317-1328, 2018.
- Mortazavi A., Maadikhah A., An investigation of the effects of important grouting and rock parameters on the grouting process, Geomechanics & Geoengineering: An International Journal, Taylor & Francis, 3, 219-235, 2016.
- Mortazavi A., Saati V., Numerical investigation of Extra-Large Flat Jack Testing of Bakhtiyari Dam Project, Geotechnical Testing Journal, ASTM International, 40, No. 3, 1-17, 2017.
- Mortazavi A., Nasab H., Analysis of the behaviour of large underground oil storage caverns in salt rock, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Issue, 1545-1561, John Wiley Ltd., 2016.
- Mortazavi A., Asadipour M.R., Salajegheh P., Eslami M., Application of 3D numerical methods to the design of high rock slopes, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Springer Ltd., 8, 9577-9698, 2015.
- Mortazavi A., Abbaslo Z., Ebrahimi L., Keshavarz A., Masoomi A., Geotechnical investigation and design of leaching heap No. 2, Meydook copper mine, Iran, Minerals Engineering, Elsevier Ltd., 79, 185-195, 2015.
- Hamidi F., Mortazavi A., A new three-dimensional approach to numerically model hydraulic fracturing process, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Elsevier Ltd., 124, 451-467, 2014.
- Aliabadian Z., Sharafisafa M., Mortazavi A., Moarefvand P., Wave and fracture propagation in continuum and fractured rock masses: distinct element modeling, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Springer Ltd., 7, 5021-5035, 2014.
- Sharafisafa M., Aliabadian Z., Alizadeh R., Mortazavi A., Distinct element modelling of fracture plan control in continuum and jointed rock mass in presplitting method of surface mining, International Journal of Mining Science and Technology, Elsevier Ltd., 24, 871-881, 2014.
- Mortazavi A., Tabatabaee Alavi F., A numerical study of the behavior of fully grouted rockbolts under dynamic loading, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Elsevier Ltd., 54, pp. 66-72, 2013.
- Nasehi M.J., Mortazavi A., Investigation of the effects of in-situ stress regime and intact rock strength parameters on the hydraulic fracturing process, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Elsevier Ltd., 108, 211-221, 2013.
- Mortazavi A., Molladavoodi H., A numerical investigation of brittle rock damage mechanics in deep underground openings, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Elsevier Ltd., 90, 101-120, 2012.
- Molladavoodi H., Mortazavi A., A damage-based numerical analysis of brittle rocks failure mechanism, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, Elsevier Ltd., 9, 991-1003, 2011.
- Saati V., Mortazavi A., Numerical modelling of in situ stress calculation using borehole slotter test, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, Elsevier Ltd., 26, 172-178, 2011.
- Molladavodi H., Mortazavi A., Development of a damage model for rock materials under compressive and tensile stress fields, Archives of Mining Sciences, 3, 597-628, 2010.
- Mortazavi A., Hassani F.P. Shabani M., A numerical investigation of rock pillar failure mechanism in underground openings, Computers and Geotechnics, Elsevier Ltd., 36, 691-697, 2009.
- Hassani F.P., Mortazavi A., Shabani M., An investigation of mechanisms involved in backfill-rock mass behaviour in narrow vein mining, Journal of South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy., 108, 1-10, 2008.
- Mortazavi A., Rajaeyan H., Adibi N., A field study of trench blasting in rock masses with discontinuity, Journal of Energetic Materials, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2008.
- Mortazavi A., Anchorage and shear strength properties for composite tendons used in earthwork support systems, Construction and Building Materials, Elsevier Ltd, 21, 109-117, 2007.
- Grayeli R, Mortazavi A, Discontinuous deformation analysis with 2nd order finite element meshed block, Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Vol. 30, 1545-1561, 2006.
- Mortazavi A., A numerical study of the rock pillar failure mechanisms, Amirkabir Journal of Science & Technology, Vol. 17, No. 64C, 2006.
- Farrokh E., Mortazavi A., Shamsi G., Evaluation of ground convergence and squeezing potential in the TBM driven Ghomroud tunnel project, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, Elsevier Ltd, 21, 504-510, 2006.
- Mortazavi A., Discontinuum modelling of blasting process in blocky rock media, Amirkabir Journal of Science and Technology, 61, 2005.
- Andrieux P., R.K. Brummer, Q. Liu, A. Mortazavi, B. Simser, Destress blasting: a monitored field trial at brunswick mine, Canadian Institute of Mining (CIM) Journal, -Dec. 2003.
- Mortazavi A., P. D. Katsabanis, Modelling Burden Size and Strata Dip Effects on the Surface Blasting Process, Journal of Rock Mech. & Min. Sci., 38 (4), 481-498, 2001.
- Mortazavi A., P. D. Katsabanis, Modelling the influence of joint orientation and continuity on the process of rock breakage by blasting, Journal of Blasting and Fragmentation, 3 (4), 2001.
- Mortazavi A., P. D. Katsabanis, Discontinuum modelling of blasthole expansion and explosive gas pressurization in jointed rock masses, Journal of Blasting and Fragmentation, 2 (3), 249-268, 1998.
- Mortazavi A., P. D. Katsabanis, Modelling of blasthole expansion and explosive gas pressurization in jointed media, Journal of Rock Mech. & Min. Sci., 35 (4/5), 497-498 1998.
Selected Conference Paper Publications
- Kuzembayev N., Mortazavi A., Application of Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process to the weighting and risk analysis of geomechanical parameters, Canadian Institute of Mining Annual Conference, May 2022, Vancouver, Canada.
- Omirzhankyzy K., Mortazavi A., Evaluation of geomechanical risks associated with the cut-and-fill mining method, Canadian Institute of Mining Annual Conference, May 2022, Vancouver, Canada.
- Dossymbek D., Mortazavi A., North wall stability analysis of Vasilkovskoye open pit Kazakhstan, Rocscience International Conference 2021, April 2021, Toronto, Canada.
- Mortazavi A., Implementation of Joint Waviness/Roughness into DEM Simulations, The 5th International ITASCA Symposium, February 17-21, 2020, Vienna, Austria.
- Mortazavi A., Abbaslo Z., Ebrahimi L., Keshavarz A., Masoumi A., Geotechnical analysis and design of leaching heap No. 2, Meydook Copper Mine, The 13th International ISRM Congress (Best paper award), 2015, May 10-13, Montreal, Canada.
- Mortazavi A., Nasab H., A numerical investigation of the behaviour of large underground oil storage caverns in soft rocks, 13th International ISRM Congress, 2015, May 10-13, Montreal, Canada.
- Mortazavi A., Hassani F.P., Saati V., Numerical modeling of in-situ rock mass testing using extra-large flat jack test, EUROCK 2015 & 64th Geomechanics Colloquium, 2015, Salzburg, Austria.
- Mortazavi A., Moghadami M., Development of a risk assessment model for underground openings, 23rd World Mining Congress, 2013, August 11-15, Montreal, Canada.
- Mortazavi A., Tabatabaee Alavi F., A study of the behaviour of fully grouted rockbolts subjected to dynamic loading in underground mining, Sixth International Seminar on Deep and High Stress Mining, 2012, March 28-30, Perth, Australia.
- Mortazavi A., An investigation of the effects of joint roughness on the stability of underground openings subjected to dynamic loading, Sixth International Seminar on Deep and High Stress Mining, 2012, March 28-30, Perth, Australia.
- Molladavodi H, Mortazavi A., Study of Rock Bending Failure Mechanism Based on a Proposed Damage Model, The second International Symposium on Constitutive Modelling Advances and New Applications, 2012, Beijing, China.
- Mortazavi A., Sharafisafa M., Numerical analysis of effect of Rock Bridge on blast-induced wave propagation in jointed media, Rock Fragmentation by Blasting Conference, Fragblast 10, 2012: November 24-29, New Delhi, India.
- Sharafisafa M., Mortazavi A. A numerical analysis of the presplitting controlled blasting method, Rock Fragmentation by Blasting Conference, Fragblast 10, 2012: November 24-29, New Delhi, India.
- Gharadash S., Mortazavi A., Determination of optimal face pressure in EPB shield tunneling in soft ground-A case study Mashhad Metro line 2, The 45th US Rock Mechanics Symposium and 5th US-Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, 2011, June 25-29, San Francisco, USA.
- Sharafisafa M., Mortazavi A., A numerical analysis of the presplitting controlled blasting method, 45th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium (ARMA), San Francisco, CA, USA, 2011: June 26-29.
- Sharafisafa M., Mortazavi A., Numerical analysis of the effect of a fault on blast induced wave propagation, 45th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, San Francisco (ARMA), CA, USA, 2011: June 26–29.
- Sharafisafa M., Mortazavi A., A study of rock behavior under blast dynamic loading: investigation using analytical and 2&3D numerical methods, 4th Iranian Rock Mechanics Conference (IRMC4) May, 2011: Tehran, Iran.
- Hamidi F., Mortazavi A., Three-Dimensional Modeling of Hydraulic Fracturing Process in Oil Reservoirs, 46th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, Chicago (ARMA), USA, 2011: June 23–27.
- Mortazavi A., Molladavodi H., Development of a damage-based constitutive model for brittle rocks, The 44th US Rock Mechanics Symposium and 5th US-Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, 2010, June 27-30, Salt Lake City, USA.
- Bonakdar A., Mortazavi A., Numerical analysis of direct shear test and comparison of Mohr-Coulomb versus Barton-Bandis Models, The fourth Iran International Geotechnical and Soil Mechanics Conference, 2010, Tehran, Iran.
- Mortazavi A., Asadipour M., Eslami M., Atashpanjeh A., Salajegheh P., Full-scale 3D slope stability analysis of Sarcheshmeh mine west wall, The 44th US Rock Mechanics Symposium and 5th US-Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, 2010, June 27-30, Salt Lake City, USA.
- Bonakdar A., Mortazavi A, Implementation of joint roughness into discontinuum modeling of jointed rock masses, International Conference on Rock Joints and Jointed Rock Masses, 2009, January 7-8, Tucson, Arizona, USA.
- Moadikhah A., Mortazavi A, Numerical analysis of the effective Parameters on Grout Propagation in A Jointed Rock Mass, International Conference on Rock Joints and Jointed Rock Masses, 2009, January 7-8, Tucson, Arizona, USA.
- Mortazavi A., Fathi E., A numerical investigation of the effect of blasthole delay in rock fragmentation”, 9th International Symposium on Rock Fragmentation by Blasting-FRAGBLAST 9, Sep. 2009, Granada, Spain.
- Bahrami V., Mortazavi A., A numerical investigation of hydraulic fracturing process in oil reservoirs using non-linear fracture mechanics, 5th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium (ARMS5), 2008, Nov. 24-26, Tehran, Iran.
- Mortazavi A., Modelling of crater blasting in jointed rock mass using discontinuous deformation analysis, 8th International Symposium on Rock Fragmentation by Blasting-FRAGBLAST 8, May 2006, Santiago, Chile.
- Grayeli R., Mortazavi A, Implementation of a quadratic triangular mesh into the DDA method, The 7th International Conference on Analysis of Discontinuous Deformations– ICADD-7, December 2005, Hawaii, USA.
- Grayeli R., Moosavi M., Mortazavi A., Dynamic Analysis of Rock Slopes Using Discontinuous Deformation Analysis, in International Conference on Slope Engineering, 2003, Hong Kong, China.
- Andrieux P., R.K. Brummer, A. Mortazavi, and R. Krog, Tunneling through paste backfill at Brunswick mine, in 3rd International Symposium on FLAC and FLAC3D Numerical Modelling In Geomechanics, October 2003, Sudbury, Canada.
- Mortazavi A., M. Paventi, R.K. Brummer, B. Mohanty, Modelling of blast-induced stress wave propagation and fracturing in hard rock material, Canadian Institute of Mining (CIM)-Annual Conference, May 2002, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
- Andrieux P., Board M., Brummer R.K., Mortazavi A., Pierce M., Elastic vs. inelastic numerical stress modelling – practical considerations and issues, in 16th Quebec Mining Association Ground Control Collogue, March 2001, Val d’Or, Quebec, Canada.
- Andrieux P., Brummer R.K., Liu Q., Mortazavi A., Simser B., Large-scale panel destress blast at Brunswick mine, in 23rd Study Session on Blasting Techniques, Society of Explosive Engineers of Quebec (SEEQ), Nov. 2000, Quebec City, Canada.
- Mortazavi A., Katsabanis P.D., Application of discontinuous deformation analysis (DDA) to the modelling of rock blasting in mining, in Rock Mechanics for Industry: Proceedings of the 37th U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium, June 1999, Vail, Colorado, USA.
- Hassani F. P., Khan U.H., Mortazavi A., Laboratory testing of fully resin grouted fiberglass rockbolts, in Rock Mechanics: Proceedings of the 35th U.S. Symposium, June 1995, University of Nevada, Reno, USA.
Industry Projects/Technical Reports
- Mortazavi A., “Altyntau Gold Open Pit Wall Support Design”, Project proposal submitted to Altyntau
Open Pit Gold Mine, Kazakhstan (under review), 2022. - Mortazavi A., “Altyntau Gold Open Pit Blast-Induced Vibration Monitoring”, Project proposal submitted to Altyntau Open Pit Gold Mine, Kazakhstan (under review), 2022.
- Mortazavi A., Project Manager, “Iran National Underground Oil & Gas Storage Project”, National project awarded to Amirkabir University of Technology, July 2013 to Aug. 2018.
- Mortazavi A., Dabeer B., Salari H., Katibeh H., “Development of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Guideline for Underground Oil Storage”, Report to R & D Division, Iran Petroleum Ministry, August 2016.
- Mortazavi A., Senior Consultant, “Saecheshmeh Open Pit Copper Mine Design Project”, Overseeing the full project awarded to SRK Consulting, South Africa, Report to National Iran Copper Corporation, June 2013 to 2018.
- Mortazavi A., “3D Analysis and Geotechnical Design of Leaching Heap No. 2”, Report to Meydook Open Pit Copper Mine, NICICO Limited, Kerman Operations, February 2014.
- Mortazavi A., “Determination of Saecheshmeh Copper Mine West Wall Final Slope Angle”, Report to Sarcheshmeh Copper Mine, NICICO Limited, Kerman Operations, December 2012.
- Mortazavi A., “Laboratory Rock Mechanics Studies of Bazoft Concrete Dam Project”, Technical Report to Ghods Niroo Consulting Engineers, Tehran, May 2011.
- Mortazavi A., “In-Situ Rock Mass Testing Studies of Bazoft Concrete Dam Project, Volume I: In-situ Dilatometer Tests”, Technical Report to Ghods Niroo Consulting Engineers, Tehran, February 2011.
- Mortazavi A., “In-Situ Rock Mass Testing Studies of Bazoft Concrete Dam Project, Volume II: In-situ Plate Load (Jacking) Tests”, Technical Report to Ghods Niroo Consulting Engineers, Tehran, February 2011.
- Mortazavi A., “In-Situ Rock Mass Testing Studies of Bazoft Concrete Dam Project, Volume III: In-situ Shear Tests”, Technical Report to Ghods Niroo Consulting Engineers, Tehran, February 2011.
- Mortazavi A., “Rock Mechanics Studies and Stability Analysis of Reservoir Walls for Vanyar Dam Project”, Technical Report to Ghods Niroo Consulting Engineers, Tehran, March 2011.
- Mortazavi A., “Geomechanics design and stability analysis of Sarcheshmeh Mine west wall using 3D discontinuum modelling approach”, Report to Sarcheshmeh Copper Mine, NICICO Limited, Kerman Operations, April 2010.
- Mortazavi A., “Overseeing the Design Process of Mashhad Metro Line #2 Project by Arthe Civil & Structure International”, The Netherlands Division”, Technical Memos to Mashhad Metro Inc., 2009-March 2010.
- Mortazavi A., “Laboratory Rock Mechanics and Rock Mass Characterization Studies of Sardasht Dam Project”, Technical Report to Ghods Niroo Consulting Engineers, Tehran, February 2009.
- Mortazavi A., “Diversion Tunnel Support Design and Slope Stability analysis of Surface Structures for Sardasht Dam Project”, Technical Report to Ghods Niroo Consulting Engineers, Tehran, June 2009.
- Mortazavi A. (in Conjunction with SRK Consulting, UK Division), “Sungun Copper Project, Mining Geotechnics and Slope Design Studies”, Report to Sungun Copper Mine, NICICO Limited, Sungun Operations, July 2008.
- Mortazavi A., “Rock Mechanics Studies and Diversion Tunnel Support Design for Shirinab Dam Project”, Technical Report to Ghods Niroo Consulting Engineers, Tehran, February 2008.
- Mortazavi A., “3D Stability Analysis & Design of Shariati Metro Station – Tehran Metro Line #1 Project”, Report to Arshad Sazeh Toos Construction Ltd., Tehran, Sep. 2007.
- Mortazavi A., “Overseeing the Laboratory and In-Situ Geotechnical Studies of Rodbare Lorestan Concrete Dam Project”, Technical Memos to Iran Water & Power Resources Development Co. (IWPCO), Tehran, 2006- 2007.
- Mortazavi A., “Stability Analysis and Design of Optimum Pillar width at Shiraz Twin Tunnel Project”, Report to Shiraz Municipal Technical Office, Tehran, August 2006.
- Mortazavi A., “Overseeing the Phase I In-Situ Rock Mass Testing of Bakhtiyari Concrete Dam Project”, Technical Memos to SABIR Construction Ltd., Tehran, 2005- 2006.
- Mortazavi A., “Design and Field Trials of Trench Excavation by Blasting”, Report to Parchin Chemical Factories R & D Department, Tehran, November 2005.
- Mortazavi A., “Geotechnical Analysis and Design of Ventilation & TBM Discharge Shafts, Karaj Water Conveyance Tunnel Project”, Technical Report to Karaj Water Conveyance Project, Tehran, 2005.
- Mortazavi A., “Numerical Analyses of Segmental Lining Performance, Ghomroud Water Conveyance Tunnel Project”, Technical Report to Ghomroud Tunnel Project, Tehran, August 2002.
- Mortazavi A., R.K. Brummer “Modelling of Blast-Induced Stress Wave Propagation and Fracturing in Hard Rock Material”, Report to Mines Research Division, Vale Limited, Sudbury Operations, Itasca Consulting Canada, September 2001.
- Mortazavi A., R.K. Brummer, “Energy & Failure Analysis of Rock Samples under Uniaxial Compression Test”, Report to Geomechanic Division, Falconbridge Limited, Sudbury Operations, Itasca Consulting Canada, September 2001.
- Andrieux P., R.K. Brummer, A. Mortazavi “Field Monitoring of Attenuation Characteristics of Gelfill under Dynamic Loads such as Blasting and Rockburst”, Report to Geomechanics Division, Falconbridge Limited, Sudbury Operations, Itasca Consulting Canada, 2001.
- Krog R., A. Mortazavi, R.K. Brummer, P. Andrieux, “Tunneling Through Paste Backfill at Brunswick Mine”, Report to Noranda Inc. - Brunswick Mine, Itasca Consulting Canada, May 2001.
- Mortazavi A., R.K. Brummer, “Determination of Optimum Crown Pillar Thickness and Stope Outline for 890 Orebody – Copper Cliff North Mine”, Report to Copper Cliff North Mine, Vale Limited, Sudbury Operations, Itasca Consulting Canada, March 2001.
- Mortazavi A., R.K. Brummer, “Analysis of Pillar Burst at Craig Mine, 6 zone”, Report to Geomechanic Division, Falconbridge Limited, Sudbury Operations, Itasca Consulting Canada, January 2001.
- Mortazavi A., R.K. Brummer “Creighton Mine Geomechanical Risk Assessment Project: Phase I (3DEC Modelling)”, Report to Creighton Mine, Vale Limited, Sudbury Operations, Itasca Consulting Canada, December 2000.
- Mortazavi A., R.K. Brummer, “Stability Analysis of East Wall Wedge – Gertrude Open Pit, Vale Limited (3DEC Modelling)”, Report to Pioneer Construction Ltd., Sudbury Operations, Itasca Consulting Canada, October 2000.
- Mortazavi A., R.K. Brummer, “Geomechanic Modelling of 153 Orebody Mining - McCreedy East Mine”, Report to McCreedy East Mine, Vale Limited, Sudbury Operations, Itasca Consulting Canada, September 2000.
- Mortazavi A., R.K. Brummer, “Modelling of Onaping Depth Orebody (including South-East Zone) for the Purpose of Support Design of Accesses in Footwall and East Abutment”, Report to Geomechanic Division, Falconbridge Ltd., Sudbury Operations, Itasca Consulting Canada, August 2000.
- Mortazavi A., R.K. Brummer “Dynamic Analysis of Backfill”, Report to Geomechanic Division, Falconbridge Ltd., Sudbury Operations, Itasca Consulting Canada, October 2000.
- Mortazavi A., R.K. Brummer, “Worldwide Review of Water Barrier Pillar Design Guidelines”, Report to Safety in Mines Research Advisory committee (SIMRAC), South African Institute of Mining & Metallurgy, South Africa, Itasca Consulting Canada, September 2000.
- Mortazavi A., R.K. Brummer, “The Behaviour of Sill Pillars and Highly-Stressed Remnants”, Report to Canadian Mining Industry Research Organization (CAMIRO), Mining Division, Itasca Consulting Canada, February 2000.
- Mortazavi A., R.K. Brummer, “FLAC Modelling of the Influence of a Ventilation Duct on the Stability of a 4 ´ 4 Drift Driven in Backfill”, Report to Geomechanic Division, Falconbridge Ltd., Sudbury Operations, Itasca Consulting Canada, November 1999.
- Mortazavi A., R.K. Brummer, “Vibration Monitoring on 4th floor of Smelter Main Office - Falconbridge Technology Center”, Report to Falconbridge Technology Center, Sudbury Operations, Itasca Consulting Canada, July 1999.
- Mortazavi A., R.K. Brummer, “Highway Rock fall Hazard Assessment, Regional Road # 5, City of Burlington”, Report to Ministry of Transportation of Ontario (MTO), Regional Municipality of Halton, Halton, Itasca Consulting Canada, June 1999.
- Board M., A. Mortazavi, and R.K. Brummer, “Geomechanical Analysis of Onaping Deep Access Strategies”, Report to Geomechanic Division, Falconbridge Limited, Sudbury Operations, Itasca Consulting Canada, September 2000.
- Clegg I., A. Mortazavi and R.K. Brummer, “McCreedy East Mine ACD (Annual Capital Development) and Phase 2(A) Bolting Expansion Study”, Report to McCreedy East Mine, Vale Limited, Sudbury Operations, Itasca Consulting Canada, August 2000.
- Brummer R. K., A. Mortazavi, “Stope Size Guidelines for 890 Orebody between 2400 Level and 2800 Level – Copper Cliff North Mine”, Report to Copper Cliff North Mine, Vale Limited, Sudbury Operations, Itasca Consulting Canada, July 2000.
- Brummer R. K., A. Mortazavi, P. Andrieux and B. Simser, “Destress Blasting: A Monitored Field Trial at Brunswick Mine”, Report to Canadian Mining Industry Research Organization (CAMIRO), Mining Division, Itasca Consulting Canada, June 2000.
- Brummer R. K., A. Mortazavi, M. Board and M. Ruest, “Onaping Depth Project-Geotechnical Risk Assessment of Candidate Mining Methods: Phase 2 Report”, Report to Geomechanics Division, Falconbridge Limited, Sudbury Operations, Itasca Consulting Canada, July 1999.
Industry Guidelines and Instructions
(Technical Review Boards in Alphabetical Order)
- Madani S.H, Mortazavi A., Shahriar K., Nasernia H., Instructions for Geometric Design of Mine Openings, Edition 1, Prepared for Iran Ministry of Industry & Mines, January 2009.
- Madani S.H, Mortazavi A., Nasernia H., Shahriar K., Instructions for the Design and Installation of Support Systems in Mining Tunnels, Edition 1, Prepared for Iran Ministry of Industry & Mines, January 2009.
- Madani S.H, Mortazavi A., Shahriar K., Sharifzadeh M., Instructions for Lighting in Mines, Edition 1, Prepared for Iran Ministry of Industry & Mines, September 2009.
- Madani S.H, Mortazavi A., Shahriar K., Sharifzadeh M., Guidelines on Preparation of Mine Design Reports, Edition 1, Prepared for Iran Ministry of Industry & Mines, September 2009.
- Madani S.H, Mortazavi A., Shahriar K., Sharifzadeh M., Instructions for Instrumentation and Monitoring in Open Pit Mines, Edition 1, Prepared for Iran Ministry of Industry & Mines, October 2009.
- Madani S.H, Mortazavi A., Nasernia H., Shahriar K., Sharifzadeh M., Instructions for Stability Analysis and Stabilization of Slopes in Open Pit Mines, Edition 1, Prepared for Iran Ministry of Industry & Mines, December 2010.
- Madani S.H, Mortazavi A., Shahriar K., Sharifzadeh M., Instructions for Design and Implementation of Mine Tunnels Maintenance Systems, Edition 1, Prepared for Iran Ministry of Industry & Mines, December 2010.
- Madani S.H, Mortazavi A., Shahriar K., Sharifzadeh M., Instructions for Distribution of Compressed Air in Mines, Edition 1, Prepared for Iran Ministry of Industry & Mines, December 2010.
- Farough Hoseini M., Madani S.H, Mortazavi A., Shahriar K., Maintenance and Control of Roof in Underground Mine Workings, Edition 1, Prepared for Iran Ministry of Industry & Mines, September 2011.
- Farough Hoseini M., Madani S.H, Mortazavi A., Shahriar K., Manual of Mine Drainage, Edition 1, Prepared for Iran Ministry of Industry & Mines, December 2011.
- Madani S.H, Mortazavi A., Nasernia H., Shahriar K., Instructions for Dilution Control in Underground Mines, Edition 1, Prepared for Iran Ministry of Industry & Mines, November 2012.
- Farough Hoseini M., Madani S.H, Mortazavi A., Shahriar K., Evaluation & Control of Blasting Consequences in Surface Mines, Edition 1, Prepared for Iran Ministry of Industry & Mines, December 2012.
- Madani S.H, Mortazavi A., Nasernia H., Shahriar K., Sharifzadeh M., Instructions for Instrumentation and Monitoring in Underground Mines, Edition 1, Prepared for Iran Ministry of Industry & Mines, December 2012.
- Madani S.H, Mortazavi A., Nasernia H., Shahriar K., Caving Instructions in Underground Mine Stopes, Edition 1, Prepared for Iran Ministry of Industry & Mines, August 2013.
- Farough Hoseini M., Madani S.H, Mortazavi A., Shahriar K., Sharifzadeh M., Selection of Extracting Methods of Mineral Resources, Edition: 1, Prepared for Iran Ministry of Industry & Mines, September 2013.
- Farough Hoseini M., Madani S.H, Mortazavi A., Shahriar K., Sharifzadeh M., Instructions to Determine the Change from Open Pit to Underground Mining Method, Edition 1, Prepared for Iran Ministry of Industry & Mines, September 2013.
- Madani S.H, Mortazavi A., Nasernia H., Shahriar K., Instructions for the Design of Ultimate Pit Limit, Edition 1, Prepared for Iran Ministry of Industry & Mines, April 2015.
- Farough Hoseini M., Madani S.H, Mortazavi A., Shahriar K., Instructions for Controlled Blasting, Edition 1, Prepared for Iran Ministry of Industry & Mines, November 2015.
- Madani S.H, Mortazavi A., Nasernia H., Shahriar K., Guidelines for Design and Mining of Placer Deposits, Edition 1, Prepared for Iran Ministry of Industry & Mines, December 2015.
- Madani S.H, Mortazavi A., Nasernia H., Shahriar K., Guidelines for the Design of Ramp and Roads in Open Pit Mines, Edition 1, Prepared for Iran Ministry of Industry & Mines, August 2018.
Education/Academic qualification
Mining Engineering, B. Eng. , Amirkabir University of Technology
Rock Mechanics, M.Sc. , McGill University
Rock Blasting, Ph.D. , Queen's University Kingston
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Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years
Geomechanical Investigation of Mechanisms Involved in Carbon (CO2) Storage and Caprock System Integrity
Mortazavi, A. & Bohloli, B.
1/1/23 → 12/31/25
Project: FDCRGP
Investigation of Faults Activation Mechanisms in Carbon (CO2) Storage
9/2/22 → 7/31/24
Project: Industry
Development of a geomechanical risk assessment methodology/model for underground mining applications
Mortazavi, A. & Hassani, F.
1/1/20 → 12/31/23
Project: FDCRGP
A Causal Analysis of the Influential Criteria in Underground Mining Method Selection
Jahanbani, Z., Mortazavi, A. & Ataee-pour, M., 2024, (Accepted/In press) In: Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
An investigation of fault geometric effects on fault activation mechanisms in CO2 storage
Mortazavi, A. & Maratov, T., 2024, 58th US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium 2024, ARMA 2024. American Rock Mechanics Association (ARMA), ARMA 24-584. (58th US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium 2024, ARMA 2024).Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Conference contribution
A Numerical Study of Fault Reactivation Mechanisms in CO2 Storage
Mortazavi, A. & Maratov, T., 2024, (Accepted/In press) In: ACS Omega.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open Access -
Application of Z-numbers theory to study the influencing criteria in underground mining method selection
Jahanbani, Z., Ataee-pour, M. & Mortazavi, A., Jan 2024, In: Resources Policy. 88, 104471.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
1 Citation (Scopus) -
Investigation of a deep-seated gravitational slope deformation in Western Carpathian Mts., Slovakia
Toločka, A., Mortazavi, A. & Kapustová, V., 2024, 58th US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium 2024, ARMA 2024. American Rock Mechanics Association (ARMA), ARMA 24-585. (58th US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium 2024, ARMA 2024).Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Conference contribution