Ali Shafiei, PhD

Assistant Professor,

Accepting PhD Students

PhD projects

My current research interest concerns Flow Assurance and EOR using a variety of experimental and computational research tools and strategies:
• Asphaltene precipitation inhibition including nano-inhibitors
• Asphaltene characterization
• Thermodynamic modeling
• Nano-EOR
• Microfluidics
• AI/ML/DL in PE
• Wax inhibition
I am also interested in various aspects of UHS, CCS, thermal EOR, petroleum geomechanics, and formation evaluation.

Calculated based on number of publications stored in Pure and citations from Scopus

Research activity per year

Personal profile

Research interests

  • Asphaltene precipitation inhibition including nano-inhibitors
  • Asphaltene characterization
  • nanoEOR
  • microfluidics
  • AI/ML/DL in PE
  • Wax inhibition



  • PETE204 – Reservoir Rock and Fluid Properties (core course)
  • PETE303 – Well Logging and Formation Evaluation (core course)
  • PETE404 – Petroleum Geomechanics (core course)
  • PETE504 – Advanced Formation Evaluation (core course)


  • Advanced Petroleum Geomechanics (grad course)
  • Research Methods (grad course)
  • Geology for Mining Engineering (grad course)
  • Reservoir Engineering
  • Drilling Engineering
  • Fluid Flow in Porous Media
  • Advanced/Petroleum Geology
  • Geology for Engineers
  • Introduction to Petroleum Engineering
  • Introduction to Natural Resources Extraction 

Professional Information


Journal Papers:

37- Ghasemi, M., Tatar, A., Shafiei, A., and Ivakhnenko, O.P. Asphaltenes adsorption prediction onto clay minerals: A comparison between machine learning and experimental adsorption isotherms. In press. The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering. 2022. (IF = 2.5) Q2

36- Shafiei, A., Tatar, A., Rayhani, M., Kairat, M., and Askarova, I. Artificial neural network, support vector machine, decision tree, random forest, and committee machine intelligent system help to improve performance prediction of low salinity water injection in carbonate oil reservoir. 2022. Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering. 219, 111046 (IF = 5.168) Q1

35- Ghasemi, M., and Shafiei, A., Influence of brine compositions on wetting preference of montmorillonite in rock/brine/oil system: An in silico study. 2022. Applied Surface Science. 606, 154882. (IF = 7.392) Q1

34- Yerkenov, T.,Tazikeh, S., Tatar, A., and Shafiei, A., Asphaltene precipitation prediction during bitumen recovery: Experimental approach versus population balance and connectionist models. 2022. Accepted for publicstion in ACS Omega. 7, 37, 33123–33137. (IF = 4.132) Q1.

33- Tazikeh, S., Davoudi, A., Shafiei, A., Parsaei, H., Atabaev, T.Sh., and Ivakhnenko, O.P. A comparison between PC-SAFT equation of state and machine learning approaches in asphaltene onset pressure and bubble point pressure prediction during gas injection: EOR implications. 2022. ACS Omega. 7, 34, 30113–30124. (IF = 4.132) Q1

32- Tazikeh, S., Shafiei, A., Yerkenov, T., Abenov, A., Seitmaganbetov, N., and Atabaev, T.Sh. A systematic and critical review of asphaltene adsorption from macroscopic to microscopic scale: theoretical, experimental, statistical, intelligent, and molecular dynamics simulation approaches. 2022. Fuel. 329, 125379. (IF = 8.008) Q1

31- Khaksar Manshad, A., Nazarahari, M.J., Shafiei, A., and Moradi, S. A novel hybrid nano-smart water with soluble chlorides and sulphates and silica-montmorilant-xanthan nanocomposite for EOR: Insights from IFT and contact angle measurements and core flooding tests. 2022. Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering. 218. 110942. (IF = 5.168) Q1

30- Ghasemi, M., and A. Shafiei. 2022. Atomistic insights into role of low salinity water on montmorillonite-brine interface: Implications for EOR from clay-bearing sandstone reservoirs. Journal of Molecular Liquids. 353, 118803. (IF = 6.663) Q1

29- Tazikeh, S., Sayyad-Amin, J., Zendehboudi, S., and A. Shafiei. Investigation of surface topography and wettability alteration of asphaltene in presence of polythiophene-coated Fe3O4 nanoparticles. 2022. Journal of Molecular Liquids. 118470. (IF = 6.663) Q1

28- Ghasemi, M., Shafiei, A., and J. Foroozesh. 2022. A critical review of application of molecular dynamics simulations in low salinity water injection – Theory, challenges, and tips. Advances in Colloid and Interface Science. 300, 102594. (IF = 15.19) Q1

27- Omrani, S., Ghasemi, M., Mahmoodpour, S., Shafiei, A., Rostami, B. 2022. Insights from molecular dynamics on CO2 diffusion coefficient in saline water over a wide range of temperatures, pressures, and salinity: CO2 geological storage implications. Journal of Molecular Liquids. 345, 117868. (IF = 6.633) Q1


26- Tatar, A., Askarova, I., Shafiei, A., Rayhani, M. 2021. Data-driven connectionist models for performance prediction of low salinity waterflooding in sandstone reservoirs. ACS Omega (IF = 4.132) Q1

25- Myrzakulova, G., Helmer, J., Malone, K., Namyssova, G., Zhontayeva, Z., Shafiei, A. 2021. Dramatic inquiries in STEAM: As a tool of enhancing educating school environment. Pedagogical Dialogue, 36(2), 86-98. (IF = 0) Non-ISI local journal.

24- Nazarahari, M.J., Manshad, A.K., Ali, M., Ali, J.A., Shafiei, A., Sajadi, S.M., Moradi, S., Iglauer, S. and A. Keshavarz. 2021. Impact of a novel biosynthesized nanocomposite (SiO2@ Montmorilant@ Xanthan) on wettability shift and interfacial tension: Applications for EOR. Fuel. 298, 120773. 10.1016/j.fuel.2021.1207 (IF = 8.008) Q1

23- Seitmaganbetov, N., Rezaei, N., A. Shafiei. 2021. Characterization of crude oils and asphaltenes using the PC-SAFT EoS: A systematic review. Fuel. 291, 120180. 10.1016/j.fuel.2021.120180 (IF = 8.008) Q1


22- Nazarahari, M.J., Manshad, A.K., Moradi, S., Shafiei, A., Jagar, J.A., Sajadi, S.M., A Keshavarz. 2020. Synthesis, characterization, and assessment of a CeO2@nanoclay nanocomposite for enhanced oil recovery. Nanomaterials. 10(11). 2079-4991/10/11/2280 (IF = 5.719) Q1


21- Larkin, P., Gracie, R., Shafiei, A., Dusseault, M.B. Sarkarfarshi, M., Aspinall, W., Krewski, D. 2019. Uncertainty in risk issues for carbon capture and geological storage: Findings from a structured expert elicitation, International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management. Special Issue on: Risk Assessment and Management of Carbon Capture and Storage: A Canadian Perspective, 22(3/4), 254–285. 429-464. 10.1504/IJRAM.2019.103335 (IF = 0.25) Q4

20 - Larkin, P., Gracie, R., Shafiei, A., Dusseault, M.B., Sarkarfarshi, M., Aspinall, W. and D. Krewski. 2019. Risk management in carbon capture and geological storage: Insights from a structured expert elicitation. International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management. Special Issue on: Risk Assessment and Management of Carbon Capture and Storage: A Canadian Perspective, 22(3/4), 404–428. 10.1504/IJRAM.2019.103334 (IF = 0.25) Q4

19- Sabbagh, F., Mirzaei-Paiaman, A., Ostadhassan, M., Shafiei, A., Rezaee, R., Saboorian-Jooybari, H. and Chen, Z. 2019. A further verification of FZI* and PSRTI: Newly developed petrophysical rock typing indices. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 175, 693–705, 10.1016/j.petrol.2019.01.014 (IF = 5.168) Q1


18- Bastami, A., Pourafshary, P. and Shafiei, A. 2018. Densities for ternary system of CaCl2-H2O-CO2 at elevated P-T: An experimental and modelling approach with well stimulation implications. Energies, 11(10), 1–19, 10.3390/en11102840 (IF = 3.252) Q1/Q2

17- Al-Nofli, K., Pourafshary, P., Mosavat, N. and Shafiei, A. 2018. Effect of initial wettability on performance of smart water flooding in carbonate reservoirs—An experimental investigation with IOR implications. Energies, 11(6), 10.3390/en11061394 (IF = 3.252) Q1/Q2

16 - Shafiei, A., Dusseault, M.B., Taleghani, M.N. and Kosari, E. 2018. Fracture characterization and in situ stresses inference in a fractured reservoir – An integrated geophysical-geological approach. Energies, 11(2), 312; 10.3390/en11020312 (IF = 3.252) Q1/Q2

15- Shafiei, A., Ahmadi, M.A., Dusseault, M.B., Elkamel, A., Zendehboudi, S. and Chatzis, J. 2018. Energies. Data analytics techniques for performance prediction of steamflooding in naturally fractured carbonate reservoirs. Energies, 11(2), 292; 10.3390/en11020292 (IF = 3.252) Q1/Q2


14- Shariatinia, Z., Haghighi, M., Shafiei, A., Feiznia, S. and Zendehboudi, S. 2015. PVTX characteristics of oil inclusions from Asmari formation in Kuh-e-Mond heavy oil field in Iran. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 104(3), 603–623. 10.1007/s00531-014-1101-y (IF = 2.698) Q1

13- Shafiei, A., Ahmadi, M.A., Zaheri, S.H., Baghban, A., Amirfakhrian, A. and Soleimani, R. 2014. Estimating hydrogen sulfide solubility in ionic liquids using a machine learning approach. Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 95, 525–534. 10.1016/j.supflu.2014.08.011 (IF = 4.514) Q1

12- Shafiei, A. and Dusseault, M.B. 2014. Geomechanics of thermal oil production from carbonate reservoirs. Journal of Porous Media, 17(4), 301–321. 10.1615/JPorMedia.v17.i4.30 (IF = 1.782) Q2

11- Zendehboudi, S., Shafiei, A., Bahadori, A., James, L.A., Elkamel, A. and Lohi, A. 2013. Asphaltene precipitation and deposition in oil reservoirs - Technical aspects, experimental and hybrid neural network predictive tools. Chemical Engineering Research & Design, 92 (5), 857–875. 10.1016/j.cherd.2013.08.001 (IF = 4.119) Q1

10- Shafiei, A., Zendehboudi, S., Dusseault, M.B. and Chatzis, I. 2013. Mathematical model for steamflooding in naturally fractured reservoirs. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 52 (23), 7993–8008. (IF = 4.326) Q1

9- Shafiei, A., Dusseault, M.B., Zendehboudi, S. and Chatzis, I. 2013. A new screening tool for evaluation of steamflooding performance in naturally fractured carbonate heavy oil reservoirs. Fuel, 108, 502–514. (IF = 8.008) Q1

8- Shariatinia, Z., Feiznia, S., Shafiei, A., Haghighi, M., Mousavi-Dehghani, A., Memariani, M. and Farhadian, N., 2013. Multiple hydrocarbon charging events in Kuh-e-Mond oil field, Coastal Fars: Evidence from biomarkers in oil inclusions. Geofluids, 13(4), 594–609. 10.1111/gfl.12064 (IF = 2.006) Q2

7- Shafiei, A. and Dusseault, M.B. 2013. Geomechanics of thermal viscous oil production in sandstones. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 103, 121–139. (IF = 5.168) Q1

6- Zendehboudi, S., Ahmadi, M.A., Bahadori, A., Shafiei, A. and Babadaghli, T. 2012. A developed smart technique to predict minimum miscible pressure — EOR implications. The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 91(7), 1325–1337. (IF = 2.5) Q2

5- Zendehboudi, S., Shafiei, A., Bahadori, A., Leonenko, Y. and Chatzis, I. 2012. Droplets evolution during ex situ dissolution technique for geological CO2 sequestration: Experimental and mathematical modelling. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 13, 201–14. (IF = 4.4) Q1

4- Ahmadi, M.A., Zendehboudi, S., Shafiei, A. and James, L. 2012. A nonionic surfactant for enhanced oil recovery from carbonates: Adsorption kinetics and equilibrium. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 51(29), 9894–9905. (IF = 4.326) Q1

3- Zendehboudi, S., Leonenko, Y., Shafiei, A., Soltani, M. and Chatzis, I. 2012. Modeling of CO2 droplets shrinkage in ex situ dissolution approach with application to geological sequestration: Analytical solutions and feasibility study. Chemical Engineering Journal, 197, 448–458. (IF = 16.744) Q1

2- Zendehboudi, S., Shafiei, A., Chatzis, I. and Dusseault, M.B. 2012. Numerical simulation and experimental investigation of gravity drainage in porous media. Journal of Porous Media, 15(3), 211‒232. 10.1615/JPorMedia.v15.i3.20 (IF = 1.782) Q2

1- Zendehboudi, S., Chatzis, I., Shafiei, A. and Dusseault, M.B. 2011. Empirical modeling of gravity drainage in fractured porous media, Energy & Fuels, 25(3), 1229–1241. (IF = 4.654) Q1

Book Chapters: 

Dusseault, M.B. and Shafiei, A. 2011. Oil Sands. Ullmann’s Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry. Wiley, 52 pages. 

Dusseault, M.B. and Shafiei, A. 2012. Chapter 7 - Energy Resources and Potentials. In Global Energy Assessment - Toward a Sustainable Future, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK and New York, NY, USA and the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria, pp. 

Selected Conference Proceedings (10)

10- Malone, K., Helmer, J, Namyssova, G., Myrzakulova, G., Zhontayeva, Z. and Shafiei, A. 2020. The Role of Design-Based Research in the Development of Primary Level i-STEAM Curriculum in Kazakhstan. New Perspectives in Science Education International Conference. Florence, Italy, held on 19 - 20 March 2020.

9- Shafiei, A., 2017. Thermal EOR in the Middle East: Challenges and opportunities. Keynote Speech delivered in The First International Conference on Improved/Enhanced Oil and Gas Recovery held in Tehran, Iran, 22-24 April 2017.

8- Shafiei, A., Dusseault, M.B. and Kamali, M.R. 2017. Thermal EOR in fractured carbonates: A numerical investigation. Paper presented in The First International Conference on Improved/Enhanced Oil and Gas Recovery held in Tehran, Iran, 22-24 April 2017.

7- Shafiei, A., Dusseault, M.B, and Kamali, M.R. 2017. Production technology selection for Iranian naturally fractured carbonate heavy oil reservoirs. Paper presented in The First International Conference on Improved/Enhanced Oil and Gas Recovery held in Tehran, Iran, 22-24 April 2017.

6- Shafiei, A. and Dusseault, M.B. 2012. Inferring In Situ Stresses in a Naturally Fractured Heavy Oil Field.  Paper presented at the 46th US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium held in Chicago, IL, USA, 24-27 June 2012. Paper Number: ARMA-2012-434

5- Shafiei, A. and Dusseault, M.B. 2012. Natural Fractures Characterization in a Carbonate Heavy Oil Field. Paper presented at the 46th US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium held in Chicago, IL, USA, 24-27 June 2012. ARMA-2012-433

4- Shafiei, A. and Dusseault, M.B. 2012. Thermal, Physical and Geomechanical Properties of Carbonate Rocks at Elevated Temperature – Viscous Oil Production Implications. Paper presented at the 46th US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium held in Chicago, IL, USA, 24-27 June 2012.

3- Shafiei, A., Dusseault, M.B. and Samimi-Sadeh, B. 2009. Side View Seismic Location Method Helps Fracture Characterization in a Giant Fractured Carbonate Heavy Oil Field in Iran. Paper presented in Shiraz 2009: First International Petroleum Conference and Exhibition to be held in Shiraz, Iran, May 4-6, 2009.

2- Bağcı, A.S., Shafiei, A. and Dusseault, M.B. 2008. Case Histories for Heavy Oil Recovery in Naturally Fractured Carbonate Reservoirs in the Middle East. In proceedings of the 2nd World Heavy Oil Congress held in Edmonton, AB, Canada, March 10-12, 2008.

1- Shafiei, A., Dusseault, M.B. and Samimi-Sadeh, B. 2007. Production Technology Selection for Iranian Naturally Fractured Heavy Oil Reserves.  In proceedings of Canadian International Petroleum Conference (CIPC) 2007 and 58th Annual Technical Meeting held in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, June 12-14, 2007.


Education/Academic qualification

Heavy Oil Recovery, PhD, Mathematical and Statistical Investigation of Steamflooding in Naturally Fractured Carbonate Heavy Oil Reservoirs, University of Waterloo

… → 2013

Award Date: Apr 3 2013

MSc, Bu-Ali Sina University

… → 2002

BSc, Bu-Ali Sina University

… → 2000

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