Projects per year
Personal profile
Professional Information
She received her Ph.D. from School of Political and Social Sciences at Gazi University in Ankara, Turkey in 2010 [Dissertation Title: “Religious Literature and the Transformation of Religious Identity in Turkey: A Study of Pious Women Writers”] and her Master degree from Public Administration Institute for Turkey and the Middle East (TODAIE, Ankara, Turkey) in 1999 [Title of M.P.A. Thesis: “The Educational Problems of Turks Living Abroad and Proposed Solutions”]. She graduated from Department of Turkish Language and Literature, Ondokuz Mayıs University (Samsun, Turkey) in 1990.
She taught Literatures of Muslim Societies, Introduction to the Middle East as well as Advanced Turkish and Azerbaijani at University of Wisconsin –Madison between 2008-2017. She served as the director of Turkish Language Program of Arabic, Persian and Turkish Language Immersion Institute (APTLII) at University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2011 and 2010. She worked as the adviser of a member of Parliament in the Turkish Grand National Assembly in 2006–2007. She, also, worked as a specialist on the Commission of Curriculum Preparation at the Ministry of Education (Ankara). She has been a member of International Expert Council of Nur Otan Party (Astana) since 2017.
Funda’s main interest are literary criticism, religious identity and nationalism. She works on her book project on Religious Identity in Turkish Literature.
External positions
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Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years
- 1 Finished
Teaching Turkish and Turkic Languages during the Pandemic: Past, Present and Future Directions
Guven, F. (ed.) & Okur, J. (ed.), Dec 2022, USA: Turko-Tatar Press, Madison, Wisconsin, USA. (Proceedings)Research output: Book/Report › Book
Türkbilimde Arayışlar: Modern Türk Kimliğinin Temelleri: Ömer Seyfettin’in Kurucu Rolü
Guven, F., 2022Research output: Non-textual form › Web publication/site
Формирование Профессиональной Идентичности Лингвиста В Цифровой Образовательной Среде Казахстана
Guven, F. & Zarkynbekova, S., 2022, Формирование Профессиональной Идентичности Лингвиста В Цифровой Образовательной Среде Казахстана,. Vol. 13. p. 7-17Translated title of the contribution :Formation of Professional Identity of a Linguist in the Digital Educational Environment of Kazakhstan Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Conference contribution
Open Access -
A Framework for Teaching Kazakh at Nazarbayev University
Guven, F., 2021, Pedagogies, Challenges and Cultural Intersections in the Turkic World.Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Chapter (peer-reviewed) › peer-review
Linguistic Diversity and Endangerment in Eurasia
Funda Guven (Participant)
Nov 18 2019 → Nov 19 2019Activity: Participating in event › Participation in workshop, seminar
International Conference: Sufism and the Body
Funda Guven (Participant)
Sept 12 2019 → Sept 13 2019Activity: Participating in event › Participation in workshop, seminar
Professional Certificate in Academic Practice Module 1
Funda Guven (Participant)
Sept 23 2019 → Sept 26 2019Activity: Participating in event › Participation in workshop, seminar
Turkish Language Curricular Framework of AATT
Funda Guven (Participant)
Apr 26 2019 → Apr 27 2019Activity: Participating in event › Participation in workshop, seminar
Kazakh-Latin Alphabet
Funda Guven (Invited speaker)
Nov 11 2019 → Dec 6 2019Activity: Participating in event › Participation in workshop, seminar