Michael Good, PhD

Associate Professor

Accepting PhD Students

PhD projects

gravitation, cosmology, relativistic quantum information, quantum field theory in curved spacetimes, relativistic thermodynamics, acceleration thermality

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Research activity per year

Personal profile


Personal Website / Good Research Group

What is the temperature of an accelerating electron? 

Very hot.  Same as the universe 1 second after the Big Bang (782.325 keV).  

Electron Thermometer, PTEP, 2024. 

  • First observation of thermal radiation from an accelerating electron. 
  • First evidence that beta decay photons obey a 1D Planck spectrum.
  • First solution of acceleration temperature in electrodynamics. 


Professional Information

Prof. Good received the B.Sc. in Physics with Highest Honors from the Georgia Institute of Technology, USA, under the advisement of Prof. David R. Finkelstein, (PhD, MIT; whose coordinates removed the singularity in the Schwarzschild metric convincing the physics community of the physical existence of black holes).  Prof. Good then attended the University of Hawaii as a Manoa Scholar in the Physics and Astronomy Department and the Institute of Astronomy.

Prof. Good obtained the M.Sc. and PhD. in Physics from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (where Peter Higgs wrote his paper on the Higgs boson-2013 Nobel Prize).  He was advised by both Prof. Charles R. Evans (Caltech post-doc under Kip Thorne, 2017 Nobel Prize); and Prof. Paul R. Anderson (PhD, UCSB under James Hartle of the Hartle-Hawking wavefunction of the universe). As a MSc student, Prof. Good took General Relativity at Duke University from Prof. Ronen Plesser (PhD, Harvard).  As a PhD student, Prof. Good was a visiting researcher at the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics at Cambridge University in 2009.

From 2011 to 2014, he was a Postdoctoral Scientist and Senior Research Fellow in Singapore at the Institute of Advanced Studies at the Nanyang Technological University in the quantum cosmology research group.  Here he helped discover black hole quantum vortices and did pioneering work in relativistic superfluidity with MIT Prof. Kerson Huang (who authored the widely used graduate textbook Statistical Mechanics).

In August 2014, he joined Nazarbayev University as an Assistant Professor. He has authored papers in high-impact, peer-reviewed international journals such as Classical and Quantum Gravity, Journal of High Energy Physics, and Physical Review D. He has won awards from the American Association of Physics Teachers, the National Science Foundation, NASA, Raytheon Company, the American Physical Society, MIT, and the Julian Schwinger Foundation. He was awarded the Outstanding Teaching Award from the University of North Carolina and the University-level Teaching Award from Nazarbayev University.  As an Associate Professor since August 2020, he has worked with Robert Mann (most known for his work on minimal length uncertainty) and Pisin Chen (most known for his work on violent accelerations of electrons in plasmas and black hole remnants). 

His recent work with MIT physicist Prof. Frank Wilczek (2004 Nobel Prize) and Eminent Scientist Eric Linder (UC-Berkeley) has solved the information loss problem in the moving mirror models for black hole radiation, a nearly 50-year-old puzzle on black holes put forth by Stephen Hawking.

Full list of publications: Google ScholarInspire


Statistical Mechanics
Classical Electrodynamics
Classical Mechanics
Condensed Matter Physics
Advanced Mathematical Physics
Quantum Mechanics
Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics
General Relativity

Research interests

Quantum Field Theory (QFT)
Quantum Field Theory in Curved Space (QFTCS)
Relativistic Quantum Information (RQI)
Relativistic thermodynamics
Acceleration radiation
Black hole evaporation
Moving mirror model
Electron-mirror duality

Thermal radiation from an accelerating electron

Education/Academic qualification

Physics, PhD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Physics, MSc, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Physics, BSc, Georgia Institute of Technology

External positions

Nanyang Technological University

National Taiwan University


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