Rayner Rodriguez Guzman

Doctor Physical Sciences

Accepting PhD Students

PhD projects

Microscopic nuclear structure theory projects: Many-body methods in nuclear structure theory (mean-field, symmetry restoration, configuration mixing within the Generator Coordinate Method, microscopic description of nuclear fission)

----- MSC students also accepted

Calculated based on number of publications stored in Pure and citations from Scopus
1995 …2025

Research activity per year

Personal profile

Research interests

A list of publications can be found below. For a full list of publications see also https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4676-5688

H index Web of Science = 36

Publications Web of Science  = 97 

Dr. Rayner R. Rodriguez-Guzman obtained his (“CUM LAUDE”) PhD in Physical Sciences in 2001 at the Department of Theoretical Physics, University Autónoma of Madrid, Spain. His research interest focuses in the theoretical microscopic  description of the nuclear many-body problem. After PhD, Dr. Rodriguez-Guzman continued his nuclear structure theory  research at  the Institute for Theoretical Physics, Tuebingen University (Germany, 2001-2006, 2008), Yale University (USA, 2006-2007), the Institute for the Structure of Matter (CSIC,Madrid, 2007, 2009-2011), the Atomic Energy Commission (Saclay,France, 2008), Jyvaskyla University (Finland, 2008-2009), the University of Huelva (Spain, 2009), the University of Surrey (United Kingdom, 2010), the Departments of Physics and Astronomy and Chemistry of Rice University (USA, 2011-2014), the Department of Physics, Kuwait University (Kuwait, 2014-2022) and the Higher Polytechical School, Seville University (Spain, 2022-2024). Since April 2024, he is affiliated as Associate Professor to the Department of Physics, Nazarbayev University.  In nuclear structure, the publications of Dr. Rodriguez-Guzman cover topics such as the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov approximation, symmetry restoration, configuration mixing within the Generator Coordinate Method, the self-consistent restoration of the Galilei invariance, axial and triaxial nuclear deformations, shape coexistence, spectroscopic properties within the mapped Interacting Boson Model, the quadrupole-octupole coupling in different regions of the nuclear chart, the properties of the β-decay in even and odd systems as well as microscopic studies of nuclear fission. He has also introduced a hierarchy of symmetry-projected approximations, directly inherited from nuclear structure physics, in studies of the one- and two-dimensional Hubbard models and molecular systems.


Dr. Rodriguez-Guzman has teaching experience in undergraduate and graduate courses such as Theory of Complex Variables, Fortran Programing Laboratories F77 and F90, Methods of Mathematical Physics, General Physics "Electricity and Magnetism", General Physics "Mechanics", Computational Physics, Thermal Physics, Quantum Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Nuclear Physics, Classical Mechanics and  General Physics Labs. 

Education/Academic qualification

PhD Physical Sciences, Department of Theoretical Physics, University Autonoma of Madrid (Spain)

Award Date: Mar 29 2001

Master Nuclear Physics, Higher Institute for Nuclear Sciences and Technology, Havana (Cuba)

Award Date: Jul 11 1996

Bachelor in Nuclear Physics, Higher Institute for Nuclear Sciences and Technology, Havana (Cuba)

Award Date: Jul 14 1994

External positions

Researcher, University of Seville

Mar 1 2022Feb 28 2024

Associate professor, Department of Physics, Kuwait University

Sept 1 2014Feb 20 2022

Researcher, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Department of Chemistry, Rice University (USA)

Oct 1 2011Aug 30 2014

Postdoctoral scholar, Research Council Spain (CSIC), Institute for the structure of matter

Dec 1 2009Sept 30 2011

Postdoctoral scholar, University of Huelva

Jun 1 2009Nov 30 2009

Researcher, University of Jyväskylä

Jun 1 2008May 31 2009

Researcher, ESNT at Saclay/SPhN (France)

Mar 10 2008May 30 2008

Researcher, Institute for Theoretical Physics, Tuebingen University

Jan 7 2008Feb 22 2008

Postdoctoral scholar, Research Council Spain (CSIC), Institute for the structure of matter

May 1 2007Dec 31 2007

Postdoctoral scholar, Department of Physics, Sloane Physics Lab., Yale University

Sept 15 2006Apr 16 2007

Postdoctoral scholar, Institute for Theoretical Physics, Tuebingen University

Apr 1 2001Aug 1 2006


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