Projects per year
Personal profile
Personal profile
Dr. Sergei Sabanov started his carrier in 1992 working in the underground oil shale mines in Estonia before he received his PhD grade in mining engineering in 2008. Dr Sabanov was executing multiple projects and teaching at a time, tracking technical progress, and reporting on both to the university and to the mining companies, and regulatory and technical review boards. Dr Sabanov industry experience with reserves estimate, mine ventilation, mine optimisation, mine design and production scheduling, blasting operations, material handling, mine services and maintenance, mine automation, sustainable mining, and mining risk management enabled him to understand detailed requirements of mining companies in mining specialists. Dr Sabanov was responsible for implementation of students’ theoretical knowledge to industrial practices, optimising study programmes to real life work of mining projects.
Working for mining department at Tallinn University of Technology Dr Sabanov executed several local and two transnational projects, such as: MIN-NOVATION - Mining and Mineral Processing Waste Management Innovation Network and EUExNet - European Explosives Network for Explosive education and Certification. Dr Sabanov supervised the interdisciplinary research group at Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology on the research topic ‘Sustainable mining: key challenges and opportunities to economic growth of mining waste management and innovative mining technology’.
Dr Sabanov is a chartered engineer at the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining, London with 30 years of experience in the mining industry. Working for SRK Consulting (UK) over 7 years Dr Sabanov supported a number of Business Improvement, Internal Investment Decision, Resources and Reserves Audit projects. For those he completed technical due diligence work, including Competent Person Reports (CPR) for stock exchange listings. His expertise lies in strategy planning, organisation, managing and working on technical studies (International and CIS standards). He has worked with projects in Russia, CIS countries, Europe and South America. Dr Sabanov is experienced in a wide range of commodities areas including oil shale, coal, gold and silver, copper, iron ore, diamonds, zinc, bauxite, potash and rare earth elements. Dr Sabanov currently running the research grant (CRP) on mine ventilation funded by Nazarbayev University.
Personal profile
Research interests
- Mine Ventilation, Air Quality Control, Computational Fluid
- Mine Risk Analysis
- Mineable Reserves Estimate: mine optimisation, mine design, mine planning, mine production scheduling
- Explosives and blasting operations
- Mine automation and Machine Learning
- Sustainable mining
Current teaching load:
- MINE 480 Mine Project Design
- MINE 403 Mine Risk Management
- MINE 303 Mine Ventilation
- MINE 505 Advanced Mine Ventilation
Teaching with NU at SMG:
- MINE 100 Introduction to Mining
- MINE 310 Rock Breakage
- MINE 516 Advanced Mine Ventilation
- MINE 517 Mining Management and Sustainability
- MINE 513 Rock Excavation Methods
- MINE 519 Mine Automation and Maintenance
- MINE 514 Advanced Surface Mine Design
List of published manuscripts in ISI peer reviewed journals:
- Torkmahalleh, M., Naseri, M., Nurzhan, S., Sabanov, S..., Cassee, F., Crape, B. (2022). Human exposure to aerosol from indoor gas stove cooking and the resulting nervous system responses. Indoor Air. 2022; 00: 1–14.
- Torkmahalleh, M., Akhmetvaliyeva, Z., Omran, A.D., ...Sabanov, S., Viana, M., Xie, S. (2021). Global air quality and covid-19 pandemic: Do we breathe cleaner air? Special Issue on COVID-19 Aerosol Drivers, Impacts and Mitigation (XII, Volume 21, Issue 4, April 2021.
- Torkmahalleh, M., Zhigulina, Z., Madiyarova, T., Adotey, E.K., Sabanov, S. (2021). Exposure to fine, ultrafine particles and black carbon in two preschools in Nur-sultan city of Kazakhstan. Indoor Air, 2021;00:1–9.
- Sabanov, S., Mukhamedyarova, Z. (2020). Prospectivity analysis of oil shales in Kazakhstan. Oil Shale, vol. 37, issue 4. pp. 269–280. http:/
- Sabanov, S., Madani, N., Mukhamedyarova, Z., E. Tussupbekov, Y. (2020). A Risk Analysis Method for Estimation of Financial Benefits of the Existing Mine Ventilation System. Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration (2020).
- Sabanov, S., Tussupbekov, Y., Karzhau, A., Aldamzharov, B., Mukhamedyarova, Z (2019). Risk Estimation Approach Considering Implementation of Automated Ventilation Systems into Kazakhstan metal mines. Springer 2019, Part of the Springer Series in Geomechanics and Geoengineering book series (SSGG), book chapter: Mine Planning and Equipment Selection - MPES 2019.
- Sabanov, S. (2019). Financial Risk Analysis of Optimized Ventilation System in the Gold Mine. Springer Nature 2019, book chapter: Mine Planning and Equipment Selection - MPES 2018.
- Sabanov, S. (2018). Analysis of field test work results for the oil shale mine ventilation simulation Oil Shale, vol. 35, issue 4. pp. 356–364
- Sabanov, S. (2018). Comparison of unconfined compressive strengths and acoustic emissions of Estonian oil shale and brittle rocks. Oil Shale, vol. 35, issue 1. pp. pp. 26–38. https//
- Valgma, I.; Reinsalu, E.; Sabanov, S.; Karu, V. (2010). Quality control of Oil Shale production in Estonian mines. Oil Shale, 27(3), 239 - 249.
- Sabanov, S; Pastarus, J-R; Nikitin, O; Väli, E (2008). Risk Assessment of seismic impact on the roof and pillars stability in Estonian underground. Estonian Journal of Engineering, 14(4), 325 - 333. doi: 10.3176/eng.2008.4.04
- Sabanov, S., Sokman, K. (2008). Technological and environmental aspects of assessment of a combination of different mining methods used in Estonian oil shale industry; Oil Shale, 25 (2)pp. 163-173 doi: 10.3176/oil.2008.2S.08
- Sabanov, S.; Tohver, T.; Väli, E.; Nikitin, O.; Pastarus, J.-R. (2008). Geological aspects of risk management in oil shale mining. Oil Shale, 25(2S), 145 - 152. doi: 10.3176/oil.2008.2S.06
- Sabanov, S.; Pastarus, J.-R.; Nikitin, O. (2008). Risk assessment of feasibility of roadheaders in Estonian underground mining. Oil Shale, 25(2S), 153 - 162. doi: 10.3176/oil.2008.2S.07
- Pastarus, J-R.; Sabanov, S.; Tohver, T. (2007). Application of the risk assessment methods of railway transport in Estonian oil shale industry. Oil Shale, 24(1), 35 - 44.
- Pastarus, J.R.; Sabanov, S (2005). A method for securing working mining block stability in Estonian oil shale mines. Estonian Journal of Engineering, 11(1), pp. 59 – 68.
List of publications:
- Sabanov, S., Zeinulla, A., Brune, J.,Torkmahalleh, M. The results of the evaluations of the instrumentation used to monitor concentrations of DPM. Proceedings of the 18th north American mine ventilation symposium (NAMVS 2021), June 12-17, 2021, Rapid City, South Dakota, USA
- Eghtesadi, N., Naseri, M., Gorjinezhad, S., Torkmahalleh, M., Sabanov, S. (2020) Exposure to UFPs (1-30 nm), fine particles and black carbon during different indoor activities in a residential apartment. International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate: Creative and Smart Solutions for Better Built Environments, Indoor Air 2020. November 2020.
- Sabanov, S., Beare, M. Cutback approach to improve open pit economy. Vestnik of National Academy of Mining Sciences, №4(9), 2019, pp. 80-88.
- Aldamzharov, B., Sabanov, S. Torkmahalleh, M. (2019). Optimizing diesel emission control strategies in underground metal and nonmetal mines. MINEX Central Asia International Symposium 2019.
- Mukhamedyarova, Z., Sabanov, S. (2019). Financial Optimisation of Ventilation System at the Metal Mine in Kazakhstan. MINEX Central Asia International Symposium 2019.
- Tussupbekov, Y., Sabanov, S. (2019). Optimization of mine ventilation system considering air regulation tools and risk analysis methodology. MINEX Central Asia International Symposium 2019.
- Karzhau, A., Sabanov, S. (2019). Application of Ventilation on Demand for Metalliferous Kazakhstan mine. MINEX Central Asia International Symposium 2019.
- Alnazar, N., Sabanov, S. (2019). Risk Analysis for Automated Mine Ventilation. MINEX Central Asia International Symposium 2019.
- Sabanov, S., Tussupbekov, Y., Karzhau, A., Aldamzharov, B. (2019). Risk Analysis of Ventilation System Design Regulations for Mines Operating in Kazakhstan. Proceedings of the Australian Mine Ventilation Conference 2019.
- Sabanov, S., Tussupbekov, Y., Karzhau, A., Aldamzharov, B. (2019). Risks Analysis for Ventilation Network Optimisation Processes in Kazakhstan Metal Mines. Proceedings of the 17th North American Ventilation Symposium, pp. 545-553.
- Sabanov, S., Karzhau, A., Aldamzharov, B., Tussupbekov, Y., Mukhamedyarova, Z., Alnazar, N. MINEX Central Asia, 17-19 April, 2018. ‘Risk Analysis for Automated Mine Ventilation’
- Sabanov, S. (2018) World Mining Congress June 19-22, 2018, Astana, Kazakhstan. ‘Risk Analysis for Application of Automated Mine Ventilation System’
- Sabanov, S., Karzhau, A., Aldamzharov, B., Tussupbekov, Y., Mukhamedyarova, Z., Alnazar, N. Gorno-Metallurgicheskaya Promyshlennost 2018 (GMP Journal in Russian) ‘Risk Analysis methodology in use of automated ventilation control for underground mines’.
- Sabanov S. (2017) Determining Ventilation System Model Inputs from Field Test Work in the Oil Shale Mine at proceedings of international conference the Australian Mine Ventilation Conference 2017, pp 47-51.
- Sabanov S. (2017) Automation Technologies Utilization at Mining Engineering School of NU. Abstract at international conference “IT systems in Mining: Innovations and Technologies”, April 18-19, 2017, Astana, Kazakhstan.
- Sabanov S. (2016) “Risks Assessment Matrix and its importance in Oil Shale Mining Projects” Abstract at International Oil Shale Symposium 2016, September 20-23, Tallinn, Estonia.
- Sabanov S. (2016) “Risks and Opportunities Evaluation in Mining Projects” abstract at MINEX Central Asia on 19 - 21 April 2016, 7th MINING AND MINERAL EXPLORATION FORUM.
- Sabanov S. Beare M. (2015) “Open pit scheduling features to improve project economy”. 23rd International Symposium MPES 2015 Proceedings “Smart Innovations in Mining”, Volume 87, pp. 1033-1041. 9-11 of November, 2015, “The South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Johannesburg, South Africa.
- Sabanov S. (2015) “Application of profitable approach Pushback for open pit mine planning work”. Proceedings of the Research & Development support of Mining, Volume 87, pp. 193-198. 10-11 of September, 2015, “IGD” Kunayev mining institute, Almaty, Kazakhstan.
- Sabanov S. (2015) “Modern communication technologies for mine optimisation” Abstract at MINEX 2015, Central Asia, 6th MINING AND MINERAL EXPLORATION FORUM.
- Sabanov, S (2014) Technical Due Diligence on Oil Shale Mining Projects. In 34th Oil Shale Symposium, USA, Colorado, October 13-17, 2014. Colorado School of Mines and Colorado Energy Research Institute. 2014. pp. 34.
- Sabanov S. (2014) Distinctive features of international TEO (Feasibility Study) for mining projects. Resource Reproducing, Low-Waste and Environmental Technologies for Exploitation of Mineral Resources. Proceedings pp. 56-59, Tbilisi, Georgia 2014, 15-20th of September.
- Sabanov S.(2014) “International and CIS approaches to mining projects: Due Diligence, Scoping, Pre-Feasibility, Feasibility Studies” abstract at Regional Programme: “Mineral Resources for Development in Central Asia. Mineral Resource Evaluation and its Significance for Potential Investors, 7th – 10th of April, 2014, Dushanbe, Tajikistan
- Sabanov S. Beare M. (2014) “Pushback approach to Open Pit Scheduling to increase the NPV” abstract at MINEX 2014, Central Asia, 5th MINING AND MINERAL EXPLORATION FORUM.
- Sabanov S. (2013) “International approaches to mining projects: “Due Diligence, Scoping, Pre-Feasibility, Feasibility Studies” presentation at Kazakhstan Mining Club, December 10, 2013, Almaty.
- Sabanov, S (2013) “Mine design and process optimisation with modern software” at Saint-Petersburg international conference “INNOVATION DIRECTIONS IN EXTRACTIVE ENTERPRISES DESIGN”, 16-17 of May 2013
- Sabanov, S (2013) Basic Considerations on Mineability of Oil Shale Deposit in Relation with Reserve Estimate. In Oil Shale Symposium 2013 Tallinn, Estonia, June 10-11, 2013. Tallinn University of Technology and Enefit.
- Sabanov, S (2012) Oil shale beneficiation considerations. In 32th Oil Shale Symposium, USA, Colorado, October 15-19, 2012. Colorado School of Mines and Colorado Energy Research Institute. 2012. pp. 31.
- Sabanov, S (2012) Modern technologies for future considerations of oil shale. In proceedings of XI International Conference „Resource Reproducing, Low-wasted and Environmentally Protecting Technologies of Development of the Earth Interior”, pp.34-35. 17-21 September, 2012. Kazakhstan, Ust-Kamenogorsk.
- Sabanov, S (2011) Oil shale prospective development methods. In: 31th Oil Shale Symposium, USA, Colorado, October 17-21, 2011. Colorado School of Mines and Colorado Energy Research Institute. 2011. pp. 34.
- Sabanov S. (2011) Application of unconventional technologies for oil shale development. International Science Conference “TECHGORMET 21 CENTURY” Saint Petersburg 2011.
- Sabanov, S. (2011). Sustainability assessment methods for development of oil shale deposits. The Reading Matrix Inc. Irvine, CA, USA (Toim.). Proceedings of the Twenties International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection (MPES 2011) (711 - 718). Reading Matrix Inc USA
- Sabanov, S.; Pastarus, J.-R.; Šommet, J. (2011). Sustainability assessment methods in oil shale mine closure. Vita Ansone (Toim.). Environment. Technology. Resources: Environmental Protection and Monitoring. (271 - 275). Rezekne: Rezekne Augstskola Izdevnieciba 1.
- Krapivsky, E.; Sabanov, S.; Kozachok, M. (2011). Abnormal oil rheological properties changing by ultrosound using different power. Lahtmets, R. (Toim.). 10th International Symposium „Topical Problems in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering“ and “Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology II” (127 - 130).Eesti Moritz Hermann Jacobi Selts 2.
- Šommet, J.; Pastarus, J.-R.; Sabanov, S. (2011). Hydraulic conductivity testing method for all-in aggregates and mining waste materials. R. Lahtmets (Toim.). 10th International Symposium “Topical Problems in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering” and “Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology II”, Pärnu, Estonia, January 10 - 15, 2011 (122 - 126).Eesti Moritz Hermann Jacobi Selts 2.
- Vorobiev, А. Е.; Sabanov, S.; Dzhimiyeva, R (2010). Monograph in Russian. Oil shale rational usage. Рациональное использование горючих сланцев. TTÜ mäeinstituut
- Sabanov, S. (2010). Analysis of Technological Possibilities Increasing Quality of Oil Shale. In: 30th Oil Shale Symposium, USA, Colorado, October 18-22, 2010. Colorado School of Mines and Colorado Energy Research Institute: USA, Colorado, October 18-22, 2010:, 2010, 61. 2.
- Valgma, I.; Reinsalu, E.; Sabanov, S.; Karu, V. (2010). Quality control of Oil Shale production in Estonian mines. Oil Shale, 27(3), 239 - 249.
- Sabanov, Sergei ; Šommet, Julia; Milaševski, Irena; Bashkite, Viktoria; Gulevitš, Julia; Beldjaev, Viktor; Robam, Karin (2010). Sustainability assessment methods for developing advanced mining technologies. In: 9th International Symposium "Topical problems in the field of electrical and power engineering. Doctoral school of energy and geotechnology". II : Pärnu, Estonia, 14.06.-19.06.2010:, 2010, 69 - 74.
- Sabanov, S.; Milashevski, I.; Beldjaev, V. (2010). Sustainable Mining Under Usage Modern Machines in Estonian Oil Shales Mines. In: Theory and Practice of Geomechanics for Effectiveness. The Mining Production and the construction : The 4th International Geomechanics Conference, Bulgaria, 3-6 June 2010. , 2010, 551 - 556.
- Šommet, J.; Sabanov, S.; Pastarus, J.-R. (2010). Analyses of crushed limestone quality developed by different methods for conditions of sustainable mining. Проблемы Недропользования. Санкт-Петербургский Государственный Горный Инс, 189, 133 - 135.
- Valgma, I.; Reinsalu, E.; Sabanov, S. (2010). New concept of Earth interior usage: Intensive course. Maapõue kasutamise uus konseptsioon: intensiivkursus. Tallinn: Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli mäeinstituut
- Sabanov, S.; Reinsalu, E.; Valgma, I. (2009). Assessment of Perspective Development of Oil Shale Deposits poster. Valgma, I. (Toim.). Resource Reproducing, Low-wasted and Environmentally Protecting Technologies of Development of the Earth Interior (1 pp.). Tallinn: Department of Mining TUT; Russian University of People Friendship
- Sabanov, S.; Šestakova, J. (2009). Предварительная оценка окупаемости закладки в условиях сланцевых шахт Эстонии. Valgma, I. (Toim.). Resource Reproducing, Low-wasted and Environmentally Protecting Technologies of Development of the Earth Interior (2 pp.). Tallinn: Department of Mining TUT; Russian University of People Friendship
- Sabanov, S (2009). Sustainability assessment of Estonian oil shale mining using advanced technology. In: 29th Oil Shale Symposium, USA, Colorado, October 19-23, 2009. Colorado School of Mines and Colorado Energy Research Institute :, 2009.
- Sabanov, S. (2009). Risk assessment methodology in oil shale mining. The Reading Matrix Inc. Irvine, CA, USA (Toim.). Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection (MPES 2009) and the Eleventh International Symposium on Environmental Issues and Waste Management in Energy and Mineral Production (SWEMP 2009) (711 - 718). Reading Matrix Inc USA
- Sabanov, S.; Reinsalu, E.; Valgma, I.; Karu, V. (2009). Mines Production Quality Control in Baltic Oil Shale Deposits. Valgma, I. (Toim.). Resource Reproducing, Low-wasted and Environmentally Protecting Technologies of Development of the Earth Interior (1 pp.). Tallinn: Department of Mining TUT; Russian University of People Friendship
- Sabanov, S. (2009). Оценка устойчивого развития сланцедобывающей промышленности Эстонии при поддержании экологической целостности и природных ресурсов. Valgma, I. (Toim.). Resource Reproducing, Low-wasted and Environmentally Protecting Technologies of Development of the Earth Interior (2 pp.). Tallinn: Department of Mining TUT; Russian University of People Friendship
- Sabanov, S; Karu, V; Reinsalu, E; Valgma, I (2009). Production quality control in mines of Baltic oil shale deposits. Tallinn Technical University, 2009.
- Pastarus, J.-R.; Sabanov, S. (2009). Backfilling in Estonian oil shale mines. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference AMIREG 2009: Towards sustainable development: Assessing the footprint of resource utilization and hazardous waste management, Athens, Greece, 2009. (Toim.) Z. Agioutantis, K. Komnitsas. Athens, Greece, 2009, 344 - 347.
- Sabanov, S.; Pastarus, J-R.; Šestakova, J. (2009). Закладка выработанного пространства в условиях Эстонских сланцевых шахт. Проблемы Недропользования. Записки Горного Института., 60 - 63.
- Sabanov, S; Reinsalu, E; Valgma, I (2009). Assessment of perspective development of oil shale deposits. International Oil Shale Symposium, Tallinn 2009. Tallinn Technical University, 2009.
- Pastarus, J.-R.; Sabanov, S.; Shestakova, J.; Nikitin, O. (2009). Risk analysis of the pillar strength in the Estonia mine. In: Environment. Technology. Resources: Proceedings of the 7th Internationale Scientific and Practical Conference. June 25-27, 2009: Rezekne 2009, Läti: Rezekne Augstskola Izdevnieciba, 2009, (Volume 1. Rezekne 2009. p. 291), 19 - 24.
- Sabanov, S.; Pastarus, J-R. (2009). Оценка рисков снижения качества буровзрывных работ на экспериментальных камерных блоках шахты „Эстония”. Проблемы Недропользования. Записки Горного Института., 36 - 41.
- Sabanov, S. (2008). Symposium on oil shale in Colorado. Oil Shale, 25(2S), 197 - 198.
- Sabanov, S.; Pastarus, J-R.; Nikitin, O. (2008). Application of Risk Assessment conception to mining industry in Estonia. Применение концепции оценки рисков в горнодобывающей промышленности Эстонии. ЗАПИСКИ ГОРНОГО ИНСТИТУТА. Проблемы Недропользования. Санкт-Петербургский Государственный Горный Инс, 174, 167 - 170.
- Sabanov, S. (2008). Risk Assessment in the Quality Control of Oil Shale in Estonian Deposit. In: 28th Oil Shale Symposium, October 13-17, 2008, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado: (Toim.) The Colorado School of Mines & The Colrado Energy Research Institute., 2008, 35
- Sabanov, S; Pastarus, J-R.; Nikitin, O.; Väli, E. (2008). Risk assessment of surface miner for Estonian oil shale mining industry. In: Geomechanics in the Emerging Social & Technological Age: 12th IACMAG Conference "Geomechanics in the Emerging Social & Technological Age". Kala Academy Panaji, Goa India, Oct 01, 2008 - Oct 06, 2008. (Toim.) Jadhav, M.N.; Bhendigeri, O.B.; Rao, B.H.; Patel, A.; Shanthakumar, S.; Gumas, S.D.. India, Goa: International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics (IACMAG), 2008, 1836 - 1842.
- Sabanov, S. (2008). Risk Assessment Methods in Estonian Oil Shale Mining Industry ., Tallinna Tehnikaülikool, Energeetikateaduskond, Mäeinstituut) Tallinn: Tallinn University of Technology Press.
- Sabanov, S; Pastarus, J-R; Nikitin, O; Väli, E (2008). Risk Assessment of seismic impact on the roof and pillars stability in Estonian underground. Estonian Journal of Engineering, 14(4), 325 - 333.
- Sabanov, S.; Pastarus, J.-R. (2008). Risk assessment of vibration impact on roof and pillars stability in Estonian underground mines . In: 5th International Symposium "Topical problems in the field of electrical and power engineering". Doctoral school of energy and geotechnology: (Toim.) Lahtmest, R.. Tallinna Tehnikaülikool, 2008, 57 - 61.
- Sabanov, S. (2008). Оценка техногенных изменений при разработке горючих сланцев. Russian Academy of Science and Russian University of People Friendship (Toim.). Ресурсовоспроизводящие, малоотходные и проиродоохранные технологии освоения недр (18 - 20). Moskva: Rossiskiuniversitetdružbynarodov.
- Sabanov, S. (2008). Risk assessment methods in Estonian oil shale industry. Oil Shale, 3, 387 - 389.
- Pastarus, J.-R.; Adamson, A.; Sabanov, S.; Väli, E.; Nikitin, O. (2008). Wirtgen 2500 SM ja killustiku tootmine karjäärides. Valgma, I. (Toim.). Killustiku kaevandamine ja kasutamine (26 - 28).Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli mäeinstituut
- Sabanov, S.; Pastarus, J.; Nikitin, O.; Väli, E. (2007). Risk assessment of pillars bearing capacity under rock dump in Estonian mine “Viru”. In: Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection (MPES 2007) and the Tenth International Symposium on Environmental Issues and Waste Management in Energy and Mineral Production (SWEMP 2007): Mine Planning and Equipment Selection and Environmental Issues and Waste Management in Energy and Mineral Production. Bangkok, Thailand, December 11-13, 2007. Reading Matrix Inc USA, 2007, 966 - 972.
- Erg, K.; Pastarus, J-R.; Sabanov, S. (2007). Изучение возможностей уменьшения вредоносного влияния горных выработок на лесные и земельные угодья с применением методики управления рисками. Reinsalu, E.; Õnnis, A.; Sokman, K.; Valgma, I.; Viilup, H. (Toim.). Kaevandamine parandab maad (7 pp.). Tallinn: Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli mäeinstituut
- Nikitin, O.; Väli, E. ;Sabanov, S.; Pastarus, J.-R. (2007). The surface miner sustainable technology introduction for oil-shale mining in Estonia. In: Environment. Technology. Resources: 6th International Scientific and Practical Conference, Rezekne, Latvia, 20-22 June, 2007. (Toim.) Noviks, G.; Morozov, V.; Tepfers, R.; Leal, W.; Chrzan, T.. Rezekne, Latvia: RA Izdevnieciba, 2007, 55 - 61.
- Sabanov, S.; Sokman, K.; Lind, H. (2007). Assessment of the environmental impact of oil shale excavation in estonian geological conditions. In: Georesources and public policy: research, management, environment. 15th Meeting of the Association of European Geological Societies. 16-20 September 2007, Tallinn, Estonia : abstracts: 15th Meeting of AEGS (MAEGS-15), 16-20.09.2007, Tallinn, Estonia. (Toim.) Hints, O.; Kaljo D.. Tallinn, Estonia: Geological Survey of Estonia, 2007, 60.
- Sabanov, S.; Pastarus, J.-R.; Viil, A. (2007). Risk assessment of geological conditions for selective extraction of oil shale in "Estonia" mine. In: Georesources and public policy: research, management, environment. 15th Meeting of the Association of European Geological Societies. 16-20 September 2007, Tallinn, Estonia : abstracts: 15th Meeting of the Association of European Geological Societies, Tallinn (Estonia), 16-20 September 2007. (Toim.) Hints, O.; Kaljo, D.. Tallinn: Eesti Geoloogia Selts, 2007, 59.
- Nikitin, O.; Väli, E.; Pastarus, J.; Sabanov, S. (2007). The Surface Miner Sustainable Oil-shale Mining Technology Testing Results in Estonia. In: Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection (MPES 2007) and the Tenth International Symposium on Environmental Issues and Waste Management in Energy and Mineral Production (SWEMP 2007): Mine Planning and Equipment Selection and Environmental Issues and Waste Management in Energy and Mineral Production. Bangkok, Thailand, December 11-13, 2007. Reading Matrix Inc USA, 2007, 678 - 687.
- Sabanov, S.; Pastarus, J-R.; Sokman, K.; Kolotigina, L. (2007). Risk assessment of security pillars stability in abandoned mine “Kurkuse” under highway Tallinn-Narva. In: XIII Congress of International Society for Mine Surveying (ISM) : XIII ISM Congress, Budapest (Hungary), 24-28 September 2007. Budapest, Hungary: Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2007, 71 - 76.
- Nikitin, O.; Sabanov, S.; Pastarus, J.-R. (2007). Analysis of earthquakes available influence on "Estonia" mine underground construction stability. In: Environment. Technology. Resources.: 6th International Scientific and Practical Conference. (Toim.) Noviks, G.; Morozov, V.; Tepfers, R.; Leal, W.; Chrzan, T.. Rezekne, Latvia: RA Izdevnieciba, 2007, 78 - 84.
- Pastarus, J.-R.; Erg, K.; Nikitin, O.; Sabanov, S.; Väli, E.; Tohver, T. (2007). Geological aspects of risk management in oil shale mining. In: Georesources and public policy: research, management, environment. 15th Meeting of the Association of European Geological Societies. 16-20 September 2007, Tallinn, Estonia : abstracts: 15th Meeting of the Association of European Geological Societies, Tallinn (Estonia), 16-20 September 2007. (Toim.) Hints, O.; Kaljo, D.. Tallinn: Eesti Geoloogia Selts, 2007, 47 - 48.
- Sabanov, S. (2007). Risk Assessment Of Pillars Stability For Experimental Mining Blocks In Estonian Oil-Shale Mines. In: 27th Oil Shale Symposium, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado: 27th Oil Shale Symposium, October 15-19, 2007, Colorado School of Mines. (Toim.) Colorado School of Mines ., 2007, 39.
- Valgma, I.; Lind, H.; Erg, K.; Sabanov, S. (2007). The future of oil shale mining related to the mining and hydrogeological conditions in the Estonian deposit. In: 4th International Symposium "Topical problems of education in the field of electrical and power engineering". Doctoral school of energy and geotechnology. [Proceedings volume 1] : Kuressaare, Estonia, January 15-20, 2007: 4th International Symposium "Topical problems of education in the field of electrical and power engineering", Kuressaare, January 15-20, 2007. (Toim.) Lahtmets, R.. Tallinn: Tallinn Technical University, 2007, 104 - 107.
- Nikitin, O., Pastarus, J., Sabanov, S. (2006). Roof bolting analysis at "Estonia" oil shale mine. In: Mine planning and equipment selection 2006: 15th Internationl Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection, Torino, Italy, 20-22 September 2006. (Toim.) M. Cardu, R. Ciccu, E. Lovera, E. Michelotti. Italy: FIORDO S.r.l. - Galliate (NO), 2006, 1441 - 1446.
- Pastarus, J.; Sabanov, S.; Nikitin, O. (2006). Risk assessment of blasting works in Estonian oil shale mines. In: Mine planning and equipment selection 2006: 15th International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection, Torino, Italy, 20-22 September 2006. (Toim.) M. Cardu, R. Ciccu, E. Lovera, E. Michelotti. Italy: FIORDO S.r.l. - Galliate (NO), 2006, 1273 - 1278.
- Pastarus, J.-R.; Sabanov, S. (2006). Riskide haldamise metoodika kasutatavus Eesti põlevkivikaevandustes. In: 90 aastat põlevkivi kaevandamist Eestis : Eesti mäekonverents : [5. mai] 2006, [Jõhvi / Eesti Mäeselts] : Tallinn: Tallinna Tehnikaülikool, 2006, 72 - 75.
- Sabanov, S.; Pastarus, J.-R.; Nikitin, O. (2006). Environmental impact assessment for Estonian oil shale minining systems. In: Recent Trends in Oil Shale: Research and Applications: International Oil Shale Conference. Amman. Jordan:, 2006.
- Nikitin, O.; Sabanov, S. (2005). Immediate roof stability analysis for new room-and-pillar mining technology in "Estonia" mine. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference "Environment Technology Resources": 5th International Conference "Environment Technology Resources" Rezekne Augstskolas Izdevnieciba, Rezekne, Latvia, June 16-18, 2005. (Toim.) Noviks, G.. Läti, Rezekne: RA Izdevnieciba, 2005, 262 - 269.
- Pastarus, J.-R.; Sabanov, S. (2005). Concept of risk assessment for Estonian oil shale mines. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference "Environment. Technology. Resources": 5th International Conference "Environment. Technology. Resources" Rezekne Augstskolas Izdevnieciba, Rezekne, Latvia, June 16-18, 2005. (Toim.) Noviks, G.. Läti, Rezekne: Rezekne AugstskolasIzdevnieciba, 2005, 237 - 242.
Education/Academic qualification
Mining Engineering , PhD, Risk Assessment Methods in Oil Shale Mining , Tallinn University of Technology
Award Date: Jun 10 2008
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