Shahreen Binti Mat Nayan

Shahreen Binti Mat Nayan

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Professional Information

Shahreen Mat Nayan obtained her Ph.D. in Communication (Rhetoric) from the University of Denver, Colorado (USA). Her PhD dissertation explores comparative and non-violent rhetoric among ecofeminist movements. During her studies in Denver, Shahreen was a recipient of three research awards – Arts Humanities and Social Science Divisional Dissertation Fellowship (2011-2012), Graduate Studies Doctoral Fellowship for Inclusive Engagement (2011-2012), and Graduate Studies Doctoral Fellowship for Inclusive Excellence (2009-2010).

In 2013, Shahreen also received the Best Journal Article Award (under the Humanities and Social Science Category) from the Malaysian Scholarly Publication Council (MAPIM) – Ministry of Education Malaysia. The winning article entitled “Hugging the Trees for Life: Implicating Bitzer in the Non-violent Rhetorical Situation of the Chipko Movement”, was published in Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities (a SCOPUS publication). In addition to comparative and non-violent rhetoric, Shahreen is also interested in research topics related to media studies and inclusivity. She is particularly interested to discover the ways in which rhetoric and/or the media can be used as tools to promote dialogue, peace, diversity, and inclusiveness.