Collaborative Geospatial and Space Satellite, Airborne and Drone Earth Observation Remote Sensing Platform and Lab for Big Geosciences Data Management, Analysis and Visualization at Nazarbayev University

Project: FDCRGP

Project Details

Grant Program

Faculty-development competitive research grants program for 2020-2022 (batch 2)

Project Description

PROJECT TITLE: Collaborative Geospatial and Space Satellite, Airborne and Drone Earth Observation Remote Sensing Platform and Lab for Big Geosciences Data Management, Analysis and Visualization at Nazarbayev University

Academic and Scientific Research Activities
The first goal of the proposed “Collaborative Geospatial and Space Satellite, Airborne and Drone Earth Observation Platform and Lab for the Big Geosciences Data Management, Analysis and Visualization” at Nazarbayev University is to centralized, simplify and optimize the university scientific research and academic capacity through the deployment of this Geospatial and Optical and Radar Remote Sensing technologies (Figure 1). It is crucial to foster the use of remote sensing and geospatial data management and analysis in the process of academic teaching and research activities to achieve novelties in ongoing and future research activities and also open more academic, scientific and professional industry career opportunities for the graduates of Nazarbayev University.

The second goal of this project is to develop a series of Geospatial and Remote Sensing courses applied for Kazakhstan and awareness raise session for the Faculties and BSc, MSc and PhD students, and perform six geospatial and remote sensing research projects in the frame of the proposed proposal applied for the following disciplines of geosciences: geology, environmental science, geography, soil science and oceanography with the focus on Kazakhstan territorial coverage and also other Caspian Sea surrounding countries.

The proposed project of “Collaborative Geospatial and Space Satellite, Airborne and Drone Earth Observation Remote Sensing Platform and Lab for the Big Geosciences Data Management, Analysis and Visualization” will have two phases of implementation. The first phase will be more technological to deploy the centralized management and analysis of geospatial and remote sensing data of geosciences, whereas the second phase of the project will be more focused on the deep scientific geospatial and remote sensing research activities of the results from the first phase of the project and also development of courses, raise awareness and coaching sessions for the academic teaching of geospatial and remote sensing technologies applied for geosciences of Kazakhstan.
Short titleCollaborative Geospatial and Space Satellite, Airborne and Drone Earth Observation Remote Sensing Platform and Lab for Big Geosciences Data Management, Analysis and Visualization at Nazarbayev University
Effective start/end date1/1/2012/31/22


  • Geospatial
  • Remote Sensing
  • Satellite
  • Earth Observation
  • GIS
  • Geography
  • Geology
  • Geosciences


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