Efficient thermal valorization of municipal sewage sludge in fluidized bed systems: Advanced experiments with process modeling

  • Shah, Dhawal (PI)
  • Sarbassov, Yerbol (Co-PI)
  • Suleimenova (Student), Botakoz (Other Faculty/Researcher)
  • Aimbetov, Berik (Other Faculty/Researcher)
  • Mukhambet, Yerkebulan (Other Faculty/Researcher)
  • Izquierdo, Maria (Other Faculty/Researcher)

Project: FDCRGP

Project Details

Grant Program

Faculty Development Competitive Research Grants Program 2022-2024

Project Description

The main goal of this research project is to investigate the thermal conversion of sewage
sludge (mainly pyrolysis and co-combustion with coal) in lab-scale and later pilot-scale fluidized bed
units and develop a predictive model for the process. As a sampling point of sewage sludge, the
wastewater treatment plant of Nur-Sultan city will be selected to provide representative data.
Short titleValorization of sewage sludge
Effective start/end date1/1/2212/31/24


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