“End-of-Life” Lithium-Ion Batteries Graphite Anode Upcycling: Fundamentals and Application in Hydrogen Storage

  • Sultanov, Fail (PI)
  • Mentbayeva, Almagul (Co-PI)
  • Kuterbekov, Kairat (Co-PI)
  • Myrzakhmetov, Bauyrzhan (Other Faculty/Researcher)
  • Bakbolat, Baglan (Other Faculty/Researcher)
  • Jia, Ran (Other Faculty/Researcher)
  • Abdollahifar, Mozaffar (Other Faculty/Researcher)
  • Zholdayakova, Saule (Other participant)

Project: CRP

Project Details

Grant Program

Collaborative Research Program for 2025-2027

Project Description

The project is devoted to a comprehensive and systematic investigation on the upcycling of spent LIBs anode graphite and its application in the area of gas sorption/desorption, specifically focusing on hydrogen. The primary material for this project is graphite derived from spent LIBs
and with controllable trace amounts of residue metals/metal ions, which will be separated and upcycled/recovered using various techniques. This upcycled graphite will be tested for hydrogen adsorption at various temperatures and pressures. Additionally, graphene-based materials will be extracted from the upcycled graphite. These materials will be further modified for improved hydrogen sorption.
Short titleUplycling graphite anode for hydrogen strorage
Effective start/end date1/1/2512/31/27


  • graphite anode
  • end of life lithium-ion battery
  • upcycling
  • hydrogen storage
  • interlayer distance
  • adsorption
  • desorption
  • composites


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