Evaluating the performance of PCM-integrated buildings using smart IoT-based sensing technology for different climate zones in Kazakhstan

Project: FDCRGP

Project Details

Grant Program

Faculty Development Competitive Research Grant Program (General) 2024-2026

Project Description

The following objectives would be achieved for different types of PCM-integrated buildings in all climate zones of Kazakhstan:
 Examine different building envelopes, commercial PCMs, and the most appropriate method of PCM integration suitable for the diverse climate regions found in Kazakhstan.
 Develop a smart IoT-based sensing technology to experimentally evaluate PCM-integrated buildings' performance in Kazakhstan's different climate regions.
 Quantitatively evaluate PCM’s performance in enhancing the energy efficiency of buildings.
 Introduce a cutting-edge framework utilizing data-driven techniques based on meta-heuristic optimization methods to forecast the energy efficiency of buildings integrated with PCM.
 Perform economic and environmental analyses of buildings that are integrated with PCM.
 Assess the circular economy of buildings that incorporate PCMs by utilizing the 9-R framework.
Effective start/end date1/1/2412/31/26


  • phase change materials
  • Internet of Things
  • energy efficiency
  • ventilation
  • machine learning
  • circular economy


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