Expanding the therapeutic landscape of CCR5 blockade and CCL5 engineering

Project: FDCRGP

Project Details

Grant Program

Faculty Development Competitive Research Grant Program 2021-2023

Project Description

Overall, this project is highly innovative as it comprises the use of potent anti-HIV-1 CCL5 derivatives and their reposition towards a wealth of different pathologies (e.g., IBD, cancer and S. aureus LukED). In parallel, the design and production of sophisticated 3D-based CCL5 mutants will add new players in the CCR5 blockade scenario. The use of CCL5 5p12 5m (and potentiated variants) against CCR5-driven tumors has the potential to show a significant activity, bringing about the possibility to envisage preclinical and clinical studies. Furthermore, this project has the intrinsic potential to generate relevant intellectual property and thus patentability.
Effective start/end date1/1/2112/31/23


  • CCR5
  • CCL5
  • recombinant proteins
  • cancer research


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