Geothermal Energy Production (GEP), Energy Storage (ES), and Carbon Storage and Sequestration (CSS) Potential in Kazakhstan Sedimentary Basins – Geological Baseline Study

Project: CRP

Project Details

Grant Program

Collaborative Research Program 2021-2023

Project Description

This study aims to identify and characterize large scale high-quality reservoirs suitable for geothermal energy production, energy storage and/or carbon storage in Kazakhstan sedimentary basins. Multi-layer geospatial maps will allow for visualizing and assessing advantages and disadvantages to infrastructure proximity including rapidly growing solar plants and wind farms across Kazakhstan as well as main air pollution sources. Comprehensive geological and reservoir studies will form a foundation for innovative well design, recovery methods, and innovative storage solutions. Results are expected to inspire new research as well as form a strong scientific foundation for investors in a globally rapidly growing green energy industry. As such, it shall contribute to reaching the National Determined Contribution (NDC) goal to switch to a green economy with a 10% increase in the share of alternative energy sources by 2030 and a 50-percent increase by 2050.
Short titleGeoscience Study for Climate Change Mitigation
Effective start/end date1/1/2112/10/24


  • climate change, geothermal energy, carbon storage, energy storage


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