Multiscale Multiphase Flow Model in Heterogeneous Porous Media

  • Amanbek, Yerlan (PI)
  • Wheeler, Mary F. (Other participant)
  • Omirbekov, Sagyn (Postdoctoral scholar (PhD degree holder))
  • Kazidenov, Daniyar (Other participant)
  • Merembayev, Timur (Other participant)
  • Shovkun, Igor (Other participant)

Project: FDCRGP

Project Details

Grant Program

Faculty-development competitive research grants program for 2023-2025

Project Description

The multiphase flow and transport modeling plays an important role in many energy and environmental applications such as reservoir evaluation on oil and gas projects, nuclear waste disposal systems, CO2 sequestration, and soil remediation.
The project purpose:
• To improve the efficiency of multiphase and slightly compressible flow model with the adaptive mesh refinement
• To investigate the mesh refinement strategy in the Darcy flow problem using a posteriori error estimates and/or parareal algorithms in the time discretization
• To study the pore scale model in representing the parameters of micro scale in the multiscale framework using the traditional and/or machine learning algorithms

Project Relevance

Oil and Gas industries of Kazakhstan require an efficient different type of predictions of subsurface model outcomes the in current fluctuating oil and gas price environment. One of forecasting method is reservoir simulation which helps to consider different types of scenarios at given reservoir parameters. The efficiency improvement of reservoir multiphase simulations and the accuracy improvement based on the mathematical analysis for mesh refinement strategy contribute to directly to the petroleum industry at the international level.

Project Impact

There is direct impact of proposed research topic to subsurface reservoir simulation which is widely used in the oil and gas industry. The improvement of numerical subsurface multiphase flow and transport can help efficient reservoir simulation within provided computational capability. Error indicator and optimal time methods are necessary in the multiscale method. This type of improvement in the reservoir simulation can advance efficiency not only for Kazakhstan’s project but also other countries projects, in other words, competitive advantages are significant for current oil & gas industry situation.
Effective start/end date1/1/2312/31/25


  • Multiscale method
  • Multiphase flow
  • Error indicators
  • Effective parameters
  • Flow and transport
  • Adaptive numerical method
  • Machine learning algorithms


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