Utilization of large scale administrative health data for population research in Kazakhstan: an application in Diabetes Mellitus

Project: FDCRGP

Project Details

Grant Program

Faculty-development competitive research grants program for 2020-2022 (batch 2)

Project Description

This project aims to aggregate, validate and utilize the large-scale administrative healthcare data, continuously recorded from 2013. This project will advance the possibilities of the data already collected with advanced analytic analysis for population health research in Diabetes Mellitus (DM). This project ultimately is expecting to be an integral component of the effort already started at Nazarbayev University School of Medicine (NUSOM) for the development of a research center for data sciences and “Big Health Data”, for disease control and prevention. The secondary objective of this proposal is categorization of the patterns of DM in Kazakhstan, as well as to explore the trajectories, outcomes and costs of DM in in the country using this large-scale validated administrative healthcare data.
Short titleAdministrative data for population research in Diabetes
AcronymBigDPopH DM
Effective start/end date1/1/2012/31/22


  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Big data
  • Outcomes assessment


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