Как ламайство стало буддизмом: развитие взглядов на буддизм как вероисповедание в российском обществе и в среде бурят в XVIII—нач. X X в.

Translated title of the contribution: How Lamaism became Buddhism: Evolution of the Image of Buddhism as a Confession in the Russian Society and Among the Buriats in the 18th - early 20th c.

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

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Translated title of the contributionHow Lamaism became Buddhism: Evolution of the Image of Buddhism as a Confession in the Russian Society and Among the Buriats in the 18th - early 20th c.
Original languageRussian
Title of host publicationБуддизм и национализм во Внутренней Азии
PublisherBuriat Mongol Nom
Number of pages211
ISBN (Print)978–5–905958–14–4
Publication statusPublished - 2021

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