Ресей академиялық археологиясының 100 жылдығына арналған «Еуразияның көшпелі империялары археологиялық және пәнаралық зерттеулер тұрғысынан» атты Еуразия даласының ортағасырлық археологиясының IV халықаралық конгрессі туралы: Resey akademïyalıq arxeologïyasınıñ 100 jıldığına arnalğan «Ewrazïyanıñ köşpeli ïmperïyaları arxeologïyalıq jäne pänaralıq zerttewler turğısınan» attı Ewrazïya dalasınıñ ortağasırlıq arxeologïyasınıñ IV xalıqaralıq kongressi twralı

Translated title of the contribution: About the IV International Congress of medieval archeology of Eurasian Steppes «Nomadic empires of Eurasia in archaeological and interdisciplinary studies», dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Russian academic archeology

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


On September 14–21, 2019 the IV International Congress of Medieval Archeology of Eurasian Steppes, nomadic empires of Eurasia in archaeological and interdisciplinary studies dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Russian academic archeology, was held at the Institute for Mongolian, Buddhist, and Tibetan Studies. The congress devoted to archeology of Eurasia has become a large international scientific platform where the results of basic research were discussed and analyzed. Two hundred and seventeen reports of leading scientists from Kazakhstan, Russia, Mongolia, China, Kyrgyzstan, France, Great Britain, Hungary, and other foreign countries were presented to Congress. Presented reports are aimed atcapturing the results of field archaeological research, reconstruction based on archaeological materials and written sources of the social, economic and historical interaction of nomadic states formed in Eurasian steppe.
Translated title of the contributionAbout the IV International Congress of medieval archeology of Eurasian Steppes «Nomadic empires of Eurasia in archaeological and interdisciplinary studies», dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Russian academic archeology
Original languageKazakh
JournalArchaeology of Kazakhstan
Publication statusPublished - 2019


  • steppe empires
  • nomads
  • archaeological research
  • interdisciplinary research
  • urban culture
  • ritual complexes


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