title = "Специфика речевого и психического воздействия в художественном дискурсе",
abstract = "The paper studies the methods and mechanisms of speech influence of the sender to the recipient in the framework of art discourse, identifies the specificity of communicative and non-verbal signals that are used for providing influence, and explores the mental mechanisms of impact. The article aims to study the modification of the communicant{\textquoteright}s behavior within the result of the impact on him. The specific use of speech influence in the artistic discourse was studied; methods of verbal and nonverbal effects were described; the mental mechanisms of action were clarified, simulations in the process of updating that modifies the exposed behavior of the subject carried out, conducted observation of the behavior of communicants, described the strategies of the modification of their behavior, analyzed products speech activity of the characters - the subjects of artistic discourse.",
keywords = "speech effects, modeling, monitoring, the behavior modification, the manipulative influence",
author = "Gulnara Omarbekova",
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year = "2015",
language = "Russian",
pages = "45--51",
journal = "Anadolu'dan Bir Ses",
issn = "2149-0929",