Тілтаным ғылымындағы білім парадигмасының қалыптасуы

Translated title of the contribution: Formation of the paradigm of knowledge in Kazakh cognitive linguistics

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The science of language, formed at the junction of philosophical cognitive concepts, has its own characteristics in Kazakh linguistics. In this regard, it is very important to determine the specifics of its development, noting the relationship with world linguistic concepts. It is very important to pay attention to the knowledge paradigm in linguistics in combination with the periodization of the formation of certain theories and concepts by underling the role of chronotopic indicators along with the target, methodological, and connective indicators in the description of scientific schools and directions
Translated title of the contributionFormation of the paradigm of knowledge in Kazakh cognitive linguistics
Original languageKazakh
JournalНаука и жизнь Казахстана
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2020


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