Қазақ тілін меңгертуде үлгі (модель) арқылы оқытудың тілдік-әдістемелік аспектілері

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


The use of language models in teaching the Kazakh language
as a foreign or second language effectively affects the assimilation of grammatical,
syntactic forms in language communication. This improves the language
competence of students. And also, language models is one of the linguistic aspects
that will provide new methods in language teaching. The article considers the main
linguistic and methodological aspects of language models in teaching. The key
problems of using language models are identified and ways and solutions are
Original languageKazakh
Title of host publicationҚазақ тілін меңгертуде үлгі (модель) арқылы оқытудың тілдік-әдістемелік аспектілері
PublisherКИМЭП университеті
Publication statusPublished - 2022

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