ҚАЗАҚ ФИЛОЛОГИЯСЫ: ТІЛ МЕН ТАНЫМ СИНЕРГИЯСЫ (Ахмет Байтұрсынұлының «Әдебиет танытқышы» негізінде)

Elmira Orazaliyeva

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


The article is aimed at analyzing the works of the outstanding Kazakh linguist of the
twentieth century Akhmet Baitursynov from the standpoint of the synergistic interaction of language
and cognition. The modern science of language, by being the object of interdisciplinary research, contributes today to the formation of a common academic base. As a result, a new approach is being developed that has founded the linguistic and philosophical principles for solving problems about the nature
of human existence, focusing the attention of scientists on rethinking the basic concepts of human
experience. The linguist characterized completely new phenomena of perception of linguistic material,
equally evaluating the possibilities of the science of psychology, philosophy, anthropology and cultural
studies in linguistics by demonstrating new models of human information processing. Thus, structural
and semantic studies in Kazakh philology are harmoniously modeled by anthropological and mental
interpretations with the help of enhancing the synergistic effect of cognitive combinations


  • Language
  • cognition
  • synergy
  • mind
  • inner world, outer world

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