ҰЛЫ ҒҰЛАМАЛАР Әл-ФАРАБИ, КОНФУЦИЙ, АБАЙ ЕҢБЕКТЕРІНДЕГІ ТӘРБИЕ МӘСЕЛЕСІ: The problem of education in the works of Abai Farabi, and Confucius

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If we look at the history of human development, we will see that for all centuries such qualities as kindness, morality, mercy have not lost their place in history as a value that determines the level and depth of knowledge of the social environment and determines the future of the state. The foundations and perspectives of society are closely related to national education and upbringing. The true face of a civilized state is reflected in the personal dignity and human qualities, intellectual environment and national culture of its members. A special place in the upbringing of the younger generation is occupied by the works of great sages, in particular Al-Farabi, Abay, Confucius, who left a valuable legacy about the importance of prudence, knowledge, intelligence, business, moral education. According to al-Farabi, qualities such as morality, mercy, justice, honesty, stability and goodness in society raise the spirit of the state, and its viability is preserved thanks to its spiritual values. He puts education first, saying that «Education without upbringing is the enemy of humanity». Al-Farabi in his work «A treatise on the views of the inhabitants of a virtuous city» analyzed in detail human values and types of knowledge that begin with human knowledge and continue in his daily and spiritual life.
In the works of the great writer Abai, we can find thoughts about the place and significance of the individual in society, the importance of education and upbringing, thoughts about life, his advice and commandments of wisdom. Abay with words: «Love all of humanity as your brother», «Do not expect respect from others for the fact that you do not respect», «People should be proud of the fact that they surpass each other in intelligence and science, conscience and good behavior», «A good character preserves knowledge and intelligence. Let not spoil the character», «Laziness is the enemy of art in the whole world» educates a person to love, respect, reverence, knowledge, hard work, etc. The main feature of Abai's philosophy is that he calls people to all-round development, to achieve perfection. As a way to achieve this, Abai presents the concept of a comprehensively developed integral personality «Tolyk Adam» and defines its three main principles: a strong will, a radiant mind and a warm heart. This is the concept of upbringing hardworking, educated, striving for constant development, open-minded, kind and creative people, which worthy to be an example for others.
One of the main features of Confucianism was that it was based on the superstitions, traditions and customs of the Chinese people. He encourages people not only to receive education, but also to pay special attention to the life and behavior of people, their daily life and relationships. He says: «Do not be sad that people do not know you, on the contrary, it is sad if you do not know people». According to Confucians, the main idea of the scientist's work is as follows: «Do not forget about the duty of brotherhood and duty to your parents, be kind to your relatives, value trust and frugality, learn to control your anger and resentment, put knowledge and skills above all, get rid of what does not suit you, warn others so that they do not go down the wrong path».
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationАБАЙ ЖӘНЕ АДАМЗАТТЫҚ ГУМАНИЗМ» халықаралық форум материалдары Нұр-Сұлтан қаласы, 2020 жыл
Subtitle of host publication «АБАЙ ЖӘНЕ АДАМЗАТТЫҚ ГУМАНИЗМ» халықаралық форум материалдары Нұр-Сұлтан қаласы, 2020 жыл
Number of pages8
Publication statusPublished - 2020


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