Bound-constrained global optimization of functions with low effective dimensionality using multiple random embeddings

Coralia Cartis, Estelle Massart, Adilet Otemissov

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We consider the bound-constrained global optimization of functions with low effective dimensionality, that are constant along an (unknown) linear subspace and only vary over the effective (complement) subspace. We aim to implicitly explore the intrinsic low dimensionality of the constrained landscape using feasible random embeddings, in order to understand and improve the scalability of algorithms for the global optimization of these special-structure problems. A reduced subproblem formulation is investigated that solves the original problem over a random low-dimensional subspace subject to affine constraints, so as to preserve feasibility with respect to the given domain. Under reasonable assumptions, we show that the probability that the reduced problem is successful in solving the original, full-dimensional problem is positive. Furthermore, in the case when the objective’s effective subspace is aligned with the coordinate axes, we provide an asymptotic bound on this success probability that captures its polynomial dependence on the effective and, surprisingly, ambient dimensions. We then propose X-REGO, a generic algorithmic framework that uses multiple random embeddings, solving the above reduced problem repeatedly, approximately and possibly, adaptively. Using the success probability of the reduced subproblems, we prove that X-REGO converges globally, with probability one, and linearly in the number of embeddings, to an ϵ-neighbourhood of a constrained global minimizer. Our numerical experiments on special structure functions illustrate our theoretical findings and the improved scalability of X-REGO variants when coupled with state-of-the-art global—and even local—optimization solvers for the subproblems.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)997-1058
Number of pages62
JournalMathematical Programming
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2023


  • Constrained optimization
  • Dimensionality reduction techniques
  • Functions with low effective dimensionality
  • Global optimization
  • Random embeddings

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Software
  • General Mathematics


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