Characteristics of rainfall-induced slope instability in Cisokan Region, Indonesia

Sugeng Krisnanto, Harianto Rahardjo, Rendy Dwi Kartiko, Alfrendo Satyanaga, Joko Nugroho, Netto Mulyanto, Pudjo Santoso, Achmad Hendiarto, Didit Beny Pamuji, Saraswati Noor Rachma

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

9 Citations (Scopus)


A 25.5 km long access road has been constructed in a hilly area in Cisokan region. Several slope instabilities occurred during the rainy season, particularly at the end of heavy rainfall. A comprehensive study was performed to understand the characteristics of rainfall-induced slope instability. The study consisted of field observation, analyses of field and laboratory test data, and numerical analyses. The study revealed that in general there were two categories of slopes with instability characteristics: (i) slopes with a significant groundwater level increase during rainfall; (ii) slopes with an insignificant groundwater level increase during rainfall. In the first category, the slope instability was caused by a loss of matric suction and eventually the pore-water pressure, uw became positive as indicated by an increase of the groundwater level. In the second category, the slope instability was caused by a loss of matric suction without a rise in pore-water pressure, uw, to a positive magnitude. Two empirical curves of slope stability were developed as a preliminary guidance to assess slope stability during rainfall in the region.

Original languageEnglish
Article number210504
JournalJournal of Engineering and Technological Sciences
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - Oct 4 2021


  • Empirical slope stability curve
  • Field observation
  • Numerical analysis
  • Rainfall-induced slope instability
  • Unsaturated soil

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Engineering


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