"Cultural Linguistics - an effective method of learning the language and culture of the country"

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


The article deals with the problem of teaching through cultural linguistics.Cultural linguistics is a science that emerged at the intersection of linguistics and cultural studies and investigates the cultural expressions of the people who influenced and were fixed in the language.

When we talk about teaching Kazakh through cultural linguistics, it done with the competences. Let’s talk about the above mentioned competences :

Linguistic competence in teaching Kazakh is the proficiency of information about the system of the Kazakh language in its levels: phonemic, morphemic, lexical, and syntactic. And linguistic competence is formed with the help of knowledge about the system-structural property of the Kazakh language.

Communicative competence in teaching Kazakh is the proficiency of sophisticated communication skills and abilities, the formation of adequate skills in the new social structures, knowledge of cultural norms and limitations in communication, knowledge of customs, traditions and etiquette in the field of communication, respect for decency, good manners, the orientation of the means of communication inherent in national, birth mentality of the Kazakh people.

Intercultural competence in teaching Kazakh is the ability to speak Kazakh effectively with Kazakh people being aware of their material and spiritual culture.. This ability may come from a young age, or may be developed.

By using the above mentioned competences we can not only teach Kazakh but also the history and culture.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationЛингвомәдениеттаным бағытынды оқыту әдістемесі - тіл мен мәдениетті бірлікте оқытудың тиімді тәсілі.
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2015


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