Embracing Southern Theories for an Inclusive Future

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review


This chapter stresses the importance of incorporating Southern theories and perspectives into global development discourse for a more inclusive and sustainable future. By addressing the marginalisation of these philosophies and concepts, and promoting their contributions across various fields, the book aims to foster a diverse and inclusive academic dialogue. The integration of Southern theories is essential for finding culturally relevant and context-specific solutions to pressing global challenges, such as pandemics, environmental degradation, migration and refugees, and other social inequalities. The book is organised thematically, exploring Southern theories such as Animism, Buddhism, Buen Vivir, Dao, Qi, Ubuntu, and Zapatista pedagogy, which can address challenges across different fields. Contributors share their personal reflections, experiences, and case studies, highlighting the significance of Southern theories in addressing present and future challenges. Ultimately, the chapter underscores the need to challenge misconceptions in literature that misrepresent cultures and traditions of the Global South and advocate for the inclusion of Southern perspectives in tackling global issues.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationSouthern Theories: Contemporary and Future Challenges
EditorsOliver Mutanga, Tendayi Marovah
Publication statusPublished - 2023


  • Southern theories
  • Global South
  • inclusive development
  • culturally-relevant solutions
  • global challenges


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