title = "Evaluation of the environmental performance of residential building envelope components",
abstract = "The role of buildings in the context of addressing the consequences of climate change and the energy deficit is becoming increasingly important due to their share in the overall amount of green house gas (GHG) emissions and rapidly growing domestic energy consumption worldwide. Adherence to a sustainability agenda requires ever-increasing attention to all stages of a building's life, as such approach allows for the consideration of environmental impacts of a building, from design, through construction stages, until the final phase of a building's life - demolition. A life cycle assessment (LCA) is one of the most recognized and adopted models for the evaluation of the environmental performance of materials and processes. This paper aims to perform an LCA of four different types of residential buildings in Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan. The assessment primarily considered embodied energy and GHG emissions as key assessment indicators. Findings suggest that the operational stage contributed to more than half of the GHG emissions in all the cases. The results of the study indicate that there is a dependence between the comfort levels and the impact of the buildings on the environment. The higher the comfort levels, the higher the impacts in terms of the CO2 equivalent. This conclusion is most likely to be related to the fact that the higher the comfort level, the higher the environmental cost of the materials. A similar correlation can be observed in the case of comparing building comfort levels and life-cycle impacts per user. There are fewer occupants per square meter as the comfort level increases. Furthermore, the obtained results suggest potential ways of reducing the overall environmental impact of the building envelope components.",
keywords = "Building envelope, Embodied energy, Environmental impact, Greenhouse gas emissions, Life cycle assessment",
author = "Serik Tokbolat and Farnush Nazipov and Kim, {Jong R.} and Ferhat Karaca",
note = "Funding Information: This research was supported by the Nazarbayev University Research Fund under Grant #SOE2017003. The authors are grateful for this source of support. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Nazarbayev University. Funding Information: should also consider all other components of the buildings, such as roofs and floors. A comparison exprshould also cessed inothisnsider materialall other components of the are those of the authorsbuildinandgdos, such as not necessarilyroofs and floors. A reflect the viewscomparisonof the between the materials used and other overall impacts should be considered. between the materials used and other overall impacts should be considered. Acknowledgments: The authors gratefully acknowledge the ENSLIC Basic Energy and Climate Tool for LCA Author Contributions: Conceptualization and funding acquisition, J.R.K.; Data curation, F.N.; Writing–original Author Contributions: Conceptualization and funding acquisition, J.R.K.; Data curation, F.N.; Writing–original mdraanftu, sSc.rTi.patnadndF.tNhe.;irWinristiignhgt–fruelvcioemw m&e endtsitainngd, sFu.Kg.gAesltlioaunsth. ors have read and approved the final manuscript. draft, S.T. and F.N.; Writing–review & editing, F.K. All authors have read and approved the final manuscript. CFuonndfliinctgs: oTfhIins treerseesatr:cThh weaasu stuhpoprsodrteecdla brye tnhoec Nonazflaicrtboayf einvt eUrnesivt.ersity Research Fund under Grant #SOE2017003. Environment and International Energy Agency Towards The authors are grateful for this source of support. Any Ropeifneiorenns,cfeinsdings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and 1d.o noAt bneercgeesls,aTr.i;lyD reeafnle, cBt.;thDeu vlaiec,wJ.s Toofw tahredsNaaZzaerrob-aEymeivs sUionni,vEefrfisciiteyn.t , and Resilient Buildings and Construction Sector: Acknowledgments The authors gratefully acknowledge the ENSLIC Basic Energy and Climate Tool for LCA modeling used in this publication. We also thank the anonymous reviewers for their careful reading of our modeling used in this publication. We also thank the anonymous reviewers for their careful reading of our manuConstructionscript and their Sector:insig2018htfuGloball commStatusents aReportnd su;gUnitedgestionsNations. Environment Programme: Katowice, Poland, manuscript and their insightful comments and suggestions. Conflicts of Interest2018. : The authors declare no conflict of interest 3. Scheuer, C.; Keoleian, G.A.; Reppe, P. Life Cycle Energy and Environmental Performance of a New University ReferBeunilcdeinsg: Modeling Challenges and Design Implications. Energy Build. 2003, 35, 1049–1064. [CrossRef] References 4. Amasyali, K.; El-Gohary, N.M. A review of data-driven building energy consumption prediction studies. 1. Abergel, T.; Dean, B.; Dulac, J. Towards a Zero-Emission, Efficient, and Resilient Buildings and Construction 1. RAebnergelew. Sustain., T.; Dean,EnerB.gy; DulRev.a2018c, J. ,Towards a 81, 1192–1205.Zero-Emission, Ef[CrossRef] ficient, and Resilient Buildings and Construction Sector: Global Status Report 2017; UN Environment and International Energy Agency: Paris, France, 2017. 5. Anand, C.K.; Amor, B. Recent developments, future challenges and new research directions in LCA of 2. Abergel, T.; Dean, B.; Dulac, J.; Hamilton, I. Towards A Zero-Emission, Efficient and Resilient Buildings and 2. buildings:Abergel, T.; DA criticalean, B.r; Dueviewlac. R, Je.; Hamnew. Sustain.ilton, I.EnerTowards A Zero-Emission, gy Rev. 2017, 67, 408–416.Effi[ciCrenossReft and Resilient ] Buildings and Construction Sector: 2018 Global Status Report; United Nations Environment Programme: Katowice, Poland, 6. Adalberth, K. Energy Use in Four Multi-Family Houses During their Life Cycle. Int. J. Low Energy Sustain. 2018. Build.2018. 1999, 1, 1–20. Publisher Copyright: {\textcopyright} 2019 MDPI AG. All rights reserved.",
year = "2019",
month = dec,
day = "31",
doi = "10.3390/en13010174",
language = "English",
volume = "13",
journal = "Energies",
issn = "1996-1073",
publisher = "Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)",
number = "1",