Functional-Semantic Fields and Teaching of Kazakh Language

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


This paper describes the systematic functional approach (with a particular focus on the functional semantic approach) for integrating language learning in a second language context. Using Kazakh as an example, I discuss how this framework has been successfully integrated into teaching both second-language learners and heritage speakers. This approach is especially useful in less commonly taught languages, of which Kazakh is a prime example. Among its numerous advantages include: intentionally building upon students’ prior learning, fostering students’ communication ability, and avoiding rote memorization of limited grammar and vocabulary. In addition, students learn topics which are communication based, and thus the structure of grammar and the grammar system are reinforced by connecting from the beginning to advanced levels based on the same topic. This method not only places the language in a contractual dis- course, but also teaches heritage speakers how to use the language in a powerful way, preserving and enriching their language in different social contexts. In support of the functional-semantic approach, the textbook is organized according to the communicational and functional characteristics of the language.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages166
Publication statusPublished - May 16 2014


  • Functional-semantic field
  • Kazakh language
  • functional grammar
  • Teaching Kazakh language


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