Helping learners learn: Exploring strategy instruction into language learning textbooks.

Anas Hajar, David Wray

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review


English language materials writers now incorporate strategy instructions into their language learning textbooks in order to raise learners’ strategy awareness, proficiency and self-regulation. This chapter investigates the arguments surrounding the feasibility of integrating language learning strategies (LLSs) into English learning textbooks, given that textbooks are the most convenient form of providing the learner with ‘security, system, progress and revision’ (Tomlinson, 2012, p.158). More precisely, the debate between the cognitive psychology and sociocultural perspectives, in relation to the issue of strategy-based instruction into language learning textbooks is examined. The chapter concludes by attempting to suggest a compromise between the two perspectives through highlighting the need to design ‘strategy-rich L2 textbooks’ by local course writers, who are most familiar with local expectations regarding the linguistic difficulties that encounter language learners studying in a specific situated learning context.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationPractice and Theory in Materials Development in Language Learning
EditorsBrian Tomlinson, Freda Mishan, Hitomi Masuhara
Place of PublicationCambridge, United Kingdom
PublisherCambridge Scholars Publishing
Number of pages148
Publication statusPublished - Oct 22 2017


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