Kazakh language: Elementary level (А1): Universal textbook for the Kazakh diaspora abroad.

L.J. Beisenbayeva, A.S. Zhakypzhanova , Aidar Balabekov

Research output: Book/ReportBook


The textbook "Kazakh language" aims to develop language learners' communication skills in the Kazakh language and listening comprehension and speaking skills. The textbook is presented in the context of everyday life and promotes the formation of communicative competence of the language learner. Within the A1 level listening, reading, writing and speaking skills, the learner adapts to speak and write on a variety of topics
Original languageEnglish
PublisherҚР Мәдениет және спорт министрлігі, Тіл саясаты комитеті
Number of pages202
Publication statusPublished - 2021


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