Modeling black hole evaporative mass evolution via radiation from moving mirrors

Michael R. R. Good, Alessio Lapponi, Orlando Luongo, Stefano Mancini

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We investigate the evaporation of an uncharged and non-rotating black hole (BH) in vacuum, by taking into account the effects given by the shrinking of the horizon area. These include the back-reaction on the metric and other smaller contributions arising from quantum fields in curved spacetime. Our approach is facilitated by the use of an analog accelerating moving mirror. We study the consequences of this modified evaporation on the BH entropy. Insights are provided on the amount of information obtained from a BH by considering non-equilibrium thermodynamics and the non-thermal part of Hawking radiation.
Original languageEnglish
JournalPhys. Rev. D
Publication statusPublished - Oct 18 2022


  • gr-qc
  • hep-th


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