National cognitive activity of proverbs in the language of fiction

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Proverbs are the oldest group of linguistic resources that collects, shapes, analyzes and absorbs all the phenomena associated with the history of the nation.
Depending on specifics of each era, lifestyle, new proverbs and sayings are added. Social movements, revolutions also leave their cumulative experience in their forms. The evidence is that historians, who clearly could not systematize some points, create the illusion of monuments with the help of this genre. From this view, proverbs and sayings are enlarged lines of history. There are many situations and ways of using proverbs in our lives. Moreover, they can be met in fictions written at different stages. One of the linguistic units used in them is proverbs and sayings. They will not only decorate the language of works but also serve to deepen reflective knowledge of the nation. They are often found in the writers’ narrative tool and in language of their characters. Writers use proverbs and sayings to reveal the literary image of hero, express ideological purposes, and provide author’s positions. This article examines the use of proverbs and sayings in the works of the famous Kazakh writer Mukhtar Magauin. In his stories “Tazanyng olimi”*, “Qara qyz”* he combined proverbs and sayings in different ways and circumstances, using each of them in its place. Proverbs found in works as “Aq yilip - bugilmes” etc. are analyzed. Expressive speech and literature of each era are born by the customs and traditions of that period, the life ideals of that era. The article provides for the disclosure of the meaning of proverbs used in a work of fiction, the definition of cognitive function, lexical-grammatical, lingo-conceptual analysis of ethnocultural names. The worldview and behavioural features of the Kazakh people are determined by revealing the meaning of proverbs and sayings by methods of historical comparison (Berdibayev R. 1996, Tilepov Zh, 2010.), component analysis (Dinayeva B. 2002), and ethnolinguistic analysis (Dinayeva B. 2002., Kaidar, A. 2004). The scope of these proverbs is also taken into account in our modern life.
*“Death of Tazy”
*“Brunette girl”
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationContemporary Kazakh Proverb Research Digital, Cognitive, Literary, and Ecological Approaches by Gulnara Omarbekova (Volume editor)Erik Aasland (Volume editor) ©2023MonographsXVIII, 236 Pages
EditorsGulnar Omarbekova, Erik Aasland
Place of PublicationUSA
Number of pages98
Volume 18
Publication statusPublished - 2023

Publication series

NameInternational Folkloristics


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