Physical properties of hot spring travertines related to lithotypes at Pamukkale region in Denizli, Turkey

E Akyol, S Yagiz, M Ozkul, G Sen, S Kato

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


Travertine is one of the moderate strength soft rock types used in construction business in all around the world. Western part of Turkey, in Denizli, different type of travertines have been quarried since 1960’s. Late Quaternary hot spring travertines are accumulated in an extensional zone of the Denizli Basin in western Tur-key. They have several forms depending on the depositional features. In the region, these travertines have not only different lithotype including crystalline crust, shrub, reed, noche, but also different engineering proper-ties. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between lithotype and engineering properties of travertines. To achieve the goal, different type of travertine’s sample has been collected in the study area, Denizli, Turkey. In this paper, crystalline crust is dense, crudely fibrous and composed of elongate calcite feathers; shrub has micritic layers that bound travertine from top to the bottom; reed has compact texture and dark colour, noche is a type of reed and has more compact structure and darker than classical reed type, have been evaluated and mechanical test was performed on travertine lithotype samples that is the most common in the basin. As a result of research, relationship between lithotype and physical properties of travertine has been achieved. The results expose that lithotype has an impact on physical properties of travertine changing with its lithotype. Also, some practical recommendations were given about how to use these travertines in marble in-dustry.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of First International Symposium on Travertine
Number of pages5
ISBN (Electronic)978-9756992111
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2005


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